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USGS Professional Papers

Parcher, J.W., 2006, Comparing impervious-cover densities on the basis of land-use types between sister cities on the United States/Mexico border, in Acevedo, W., Taylor, J.L., Hester, D.J., Mladinich, C.S., and Glavac, S. eds., Rates, trends, causes, and consequences of urban land-use change in the United States. USGS Professional Paper 1726, p. 79-85. html

Varanka, D., 2006. General trends regarding aggregate materials For urban development, with a suggested method for the analysis of aggregates distribution, in Acevedo, W., Taylor, J.L., Hester, D.J., Mladinich, C.S., and Glavac, S. eds., Rates, trends, causes, and consequences of urban land-use change in the United States. USGS Professional Paper 1726, 45-54. html

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USGS Circulars

Luna, R., Summers, D., Hoffman, D., Rogers, J.D., Sevi, A, and Witt, E., 2007. Geotechnical reconnaissance of the Mississippi River delta flood-protection system after Hurricane Katrina in Farris, G., Smith, G., Crane, M., Demas, C., Robbins, L. and Lavoie, D. eds. Science and the Storms--the USGS Response to the Hurricanes of 2005, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, p. 28-35. (11.6 MB pdf file)

Chen, G., Witt, E., Hoffman, D., Luna, R., and Sevi, A., 2007. Analysis of the Interstate 10 twin bridge"s collapse during Hurricane Katrina, in Farris, G., Smith, G., Crane, M., Demas, C., Robbins, L. and Lavoie, D. eds. Science and the Storms--the USGS Response to the Hurricanes of 2005, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, p. 36-43. (11.6 MB pdf file)

Witt, E., Adams, C., Wang, J., Shaver, D., and Filali-Meknassi, Y., 2007. Selected chemical composition of deposited sediments in the flooded areas of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, in Farris, G., Smith, G., Crane, M., Demas, C., Robbins, L. and Lavoie, D. eds. Science and the Storms--the USGS Response to the Hurricanes of 2005, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, p. 202-207. (14.6 MB pdf file)

Witt, E., Adams, C., Wang, J., Shaver, D., and Filali-Meknassi, Y., 2007. Soil and Sediment Chemistry in the Mississippi River Delta Following Hurricane Katrina, in Farris, G., Smith, G., Crane, M., Demas, C., Robbins, L. and Lavoie, D. eds. Science and the Storms--the USGS Response to the Hurricanes of 2005, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, p. 208-213. (14.6 MB pdf file)

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USGS Scientific Investigations Reports (SIR)

Witt, E.C., Shi, Honglan, Karstensen, K.A., Wang, Jianmin, and Adams, C.D., 2008, Environmental chemical data for perishable sediments and soils collected in New Orleans, Louisiana, and along the Louisiana Delta following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5031, 56 p.

Varanka, D.E., and Shaver, D.K., 2007, Land-Use Change Trends in the Interior River Lowlands Ecoregion: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5145, 12p.

Spooner, J.D., Landgraf, K.F., 2006, Retrospective analysis of land cover at Overton Bottoms North, Missouri, chap. 4 of Jacobson, R.B., ed., Science to support adaptive habitat management - Overton Bottoms North Unit, Big Muddy National Fish and Wildlife Refuge, Missouri: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5086, p. 69-90.

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USGS Open-File Reports (OFR)

Karstensen, K.A., 2008, Interior River Lowland Ecoregion Summary Report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1088, 5 p. (PDF:

Parcher J.W. and Humberson, D.G., CHIPS: A New Way to Monitor Colonias Along the United Status - Mexico Border. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1230, 23p.

Varanka, Dalia. 2005. Methods to Implement the 20th-Century Topographic Survey For Long-Term Landscape Studies At Local And Regional Scales. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Open File Report OF 2006-1002. Rolla, Missouri.

Varanka, D., (Contributing Author). 2002. Strategic Vision for the U.S. Geological Survey in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Region, 2001-2002. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Open file Report 02-193. Columbus, Ohio.

Spooner, J. 2001, The Evolution of the lower Missouri River, a discussion of the geology and a proposal for research at Lisbon Bottom, USGS Open File Report 01-176, 19p.

Spooner, J., 2001, The Evolution of the Lower Missouri River: Preliminary Results of NMD Research at Lisbon Bottom, USGS Open File Report 01-368, 12 p.

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USGS Fact Sheets

Parcher, J.W., 2008, CHIPS: Monitoring Colonias Along the United States-Mexico Border in Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008–3079, 4 p. pdf

Parcher, J.W., 2008, U.S.-Mexico Border Geographic Information System: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008–3069, 4 p., also available in Spanish. English-pdf | Spanish-pdf

Kaufmann, J.E., 2007. USGS Fact Sheet 2007-3060: Sinkholes. pdf

Papoulias, D.M, Stefanov, J.E., Parcher, J.W.,and Page, W.R., 2006. Interdisciplinary Science in Support of Environmental Health along the United States - Mexico Border. U. S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3054. html

Papoulias, D.M, Stefanov, J.E., Parcher, J.W.,and Page, W.R., 2006. Ciencia Interdisciplinaria en Apoyo a la Salud Ambiental a lo largo de al Frontera de México - Estados Unidos. U. S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3054. html

Krizanich, G., Spooner, J., and Starbuck, M., 2006, Integrated science - Providing a more complete understanding of complex problems, USGS Fact Sheet 2006-3056. html | pdf

Spooner, J., 2006, The Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center, USGS Fact Sheet 2006-3058. html | pdf

Spooner, J., 2006, Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center: Natural hazards research - Landslides, USGS Fact Sheet 2006-3017. html | pdf

Norman, L.M., Parcher, J.W., Lam, A.L., Monitoring Colonias along the United States -Mexico Border Fact sheet # 2004-3070, August 2004.

Spooner, J., 2002, Evolution of the lower Missouri River: NMD research at Lisbon Bottom, USGS Fact Sheet 126-01.

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Conference Proceedings

Varanka, Dalia, 2007, Ontological Foundations of Transportation Data for The National Map (USA), in XXIII International Cartographic Conference Proceedings 4-10 August 2007 Moscow, Russia, 13 p. (CD)

Luna, Ronaldo, Wronkiewicz, David, Rydlund, Paul, Krizanich, Gary, and Shaver, David, 2007, Damage evaluation of the Taum Sauk reservoir failure using LiDAR: American Society of Civil Engineers, Geo-Denver 2007. (6 MB pdf file)

Parcher, J.W., Norman, L.M., Papoulias, D. M., Stefanov, J.E., Wilson, Z.D., Page, W.R., Gary, R.H., 2006, Developing a Binational Database to Examine Environmental Health and Quality of Life Issues along the U.S.-Mexico Border. GSDI Conference Proceedings, 6-10 November, 2006, Santiago, Chile. pdf

Varanka, D., 2005, Analytical Concepts in Early Computer Cartography and Late National Topographic Mapping in the United States, in Mapping Approaches into a Changing World, International Cartographic Conference, A Coruna, Spain, 1969, Proceedings (CD): International Cartographic Association, Theme 16.

Finn, M.P., Spooner, J.D., Shaver, D.K., and Usery, E.L., 2004, The National Map: An Agent for Environmental Modeling using the World Wide Web. 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Gavale, Sweden, June 7 - 9, 2004.

Varanka, D. 2003. Using The National Topographic Survey For Long-Term Land Surface Change Studies: A Case Involving Carbon Sequestration. Proceedings, 21th International Cartographic Conference, Durban South Africa. August 10-16, 2003. pp. 80-83 (CD rom).

Wronkiewicz, D.J., Crenshaw, T.L., Davidson, D.A., Faeth, A.M., Goss, A.K., Knobbe, S.J., Krizanich, G.W., McBurnett, J.D., McNeil, A.G., Stanke, B.D., and Struttman, S.R., 2002, Controls on heavy metal contaminant migration in the Big River watershed, southeastern Missouri, in International Conference on Basement Tectonics, 16th, Rolla, MO, 2002, Proceedings: Rolla, MO, International Basement Tectonics Association.

Varanka, Dalia. 2001. Precursors to the Rise of English World Atlases. Mapping the 21st Century. Proceedings, 20th International Cartographic Conference, August 6-10, 2001, Beijing, China. Pp. 868-882.

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Other Peer-reviewed Publications

Starbuck, Michael J. and Tamayo, Juanito. (2007). Monitoring Vegetation Change in Abu Dhabi Emirate from 1996 to 2000 and 2004 using Landsat Satellite Imagery. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research , 25 (1/2): 71-80.

Parcher, J.W., Norman, L.M., Papoulias, D.M., Stefanov, J.E., Wilson, Z.D., Page, W.R., Gary, R.H., 2007 Salud Ambiental y los Asuntos de Calidad de Vida a lo largo de La Frontera de Mexico - Estados Unidos de America, 2007. Boletin de Las Sistemas Nacionales Estadistico y La Informacion Vol. 3, No. 1. INEGI.

Varanka, D., 2006, Centralization and Locality in The 20th Century National Topographic Mapping Program In The United States: in Postnikov, A., ed. Development of Ideas and Methods in Cartography: Materials of the Commission Meeting in Kaliningrad (August, 2006). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, p. 26-41.

Parcher, J.W, Papoulias, D.M, Stefanov, J.E.,and Page, W.R., 2006. Ciencia Interdisciplinaria en Apoyo a la Salud Ambiental a lo largo de al Frontera de México- Estados Unidos. Petróleos Mexicanos Boletin Electrónico Mensual, Año 2006, Número 145, Mes de Agosto

Gary, R.H., Parcher, J.W., Papoulias, D.M., Stefanov, J.E. U.S.-Mexico Border Environmental Health Initiative, U.S. Geological Survey. html

Von Loh, J., Blauer, S., Butler, J., Culver, D., Landgraf, K., Owens, T., Reid, M., Schultz, K., Stier, M., and others, 2004. Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Final Report, U.S. Geological Survey and National Park Service Vegetation Mapping Program, annual Technical Report, USGS.

Starbuck, M., Tamayo, J., 2003, Monitoring Vegetation Change in he Abu Dhabi Emirate from 1996 to 2000 using Landsat Satellite Imagery, U.S. Geological Survey Administrative Report, Abu Dhabi National Drilling Company.

Varanka, D., 2003, Atlas of World History, Patrick K. O'Brien, General Editor. Oxford University Press, 2002. Book review for Cartography and GIS, Vol. 30, No. 4. Pp. 351-2.

Starbuck, M., 2001, Review of Availability and Accessibility of Geospatial Data in the Greater Mekong Subregion, A consultancy report in support of the Subregional Environmental Monitoring and Information Systems II Project, funded by ADB (T.A. No. 5899).

Warren, S.G., Starbuck, M. J., and Groeneveld, C., 1993, Relative Elevations of Meteorological Facilities at South Pole Station, Antarctic Journal Review.

Varanka, Dalia and Maddox, Brian. 2000. Additional Perspectives on Urban Growth Modeling: Some Research Results from the Urban Dynamics Program. USGS-National Mapping Division Research Symposium. Pp. 158-165.

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Published Abstracts

Finn, M., Krizanich, G.W., and Usery, E.L., 2007, Contemporary high-resolution Lidar derived DEMs could inspire developments in the study of impact structures [abs.]: Proceedings of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, p. 408-409.

Varanka, D., 2007, Kriging and Spatial Interaction: a Combined Approach for Scaling and Generalizing Urbanization Pressure on the Environment [abs.]: The Second International Cartographic Association Workshop on Geospatial Analysis and Modeling, Spatial Structure and Dynamics of Urban Environments, July 12-13, 2007, Athens, GA., p. 6.

Varanka, D., 2007, The Rise of Scientific Plain Style Cartography in English World Atlases [abs.]: North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS) 2007, October 11, 2006, St. Louis, Missouri, p. 12-13.

Varanka, D., 2007, Ontological Foundations of Transportation Data for The National Map (USA) [abs.]: XXIII International Cartographic Conference abstracts with programs, 4-10 August 2007, Moscow, Russia, p. 161.

Wronkiewicz, D.J., Krizanich, G.W., Spooner, J.D., and Watkins, C., 2007, Depositional Pattern of Flood Deposits Following the Catastorophic Failure of the Upper Taum Sauk reservoir, [abs]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6, p. 179.

Spooner, J., 2007, Identifying the Primary Factors that Determine the Occurance of Sinkholes in the Ozarks [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6, p. 138.

Cox, Melissa R., Evans, Kevin R., and Krizanich, Gary W., 2007, GIS-based geologic mapping of the Vista quadrangle, west-central Missouri [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 3, p. 25.

Krizanich, Gary W., Wronkiewicz, David J., Spooner, Jeffrey D., and Watkins, Conor M., 2007, Catastrophism revisited in Missouri: mapping exposed flood features in the Taum Sauk Reservoir outwash zone [abs.]: Association of American Geographers Abstracts with Programs.

Krizanich, Gary W. and Thorpe, Tony, 2007, Satellite remote sensing of water quality in southwest Missouri [abs.]: American Institute of Hydrology Abstracts with Programs.

Varanka, D., 2007, Effects of Raster Resolution Changes on Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution Modeling Output [abs.]:Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 17-21, 2007.

Varanka, D., 2007, Ontological Foundations of Transportation Data for The National Map (USA) [abs.]:International Cartographic Conference, August 4-10, 2007.

Varanka, D., 2006, Trends in Land-Use Change in the Southern Illinois and Interior River Lowlands [abs.]: Joint Annual Meeting of the Great Plains-Rocky Mountain Division and the West Lakes Division, October 5-7, 2006.

Wilson, Z.D., Parcher, J.W. 2006, Evaluation of bi-national land-cover change-detection procedures in the Lower Rio Grande Valley: Applications to water-resource issues in the session Innovative Uses of GIS to Explore Water Resources Issues on the US-Mexico Border, at the. Association of American Geographer's Conference, Chicago, Il. March 2006

Page, W.R., Hubbard, B.E., Duval, J.S., Folger, H.W., McCafferty, A., Parcher, J.W., and Wilson, Z.D., 2006, Template for Compiling Bi-national Geologic Map Datasets in the US-Mexico Border Region: An Example From Southern Texas and Northern Mexico, US-Mexico Border Environmental Health Initiative [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts With Programs, vol. 38, no. 1.

Hubbard B.E., Folger H., Parcher J.W. and Page W.R., 2006, Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Assessment of Soil Moisture and Vector-borne Disease Potential in the Pleistocene Beaumont and Lower Rio Grande Delta, Southern Texas and Northern Taumalipas, US-Mexico Border Region [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts With Programs, vol. 38, no. 1.

Krizanich, G.W., Wronkiewicz, D.J., and Hogan, J.P., 2005, Trace element and isotopic trends in sediment cores from Clearwater Lake, southeast Missouri. [abs]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2005 Annual Meeting.

Hom, J., and Varanka, D., 2005, Land Use Change in the Delaware Water Gap: Land Cover Classification and Model Parameterization [abs.]: George Wright Society, 2005, Philadelphia, Penn.

Varanka, D., 2005, National Topographic Mapping in the Digital Transition: Mapping Approaches into a Changing World, Abstract of papers, International Cartographic Conference , 9-16 July, A Coruna Spain. P. 40.

Finn, M.P., Spooner, J.D., Shaver, D.K., and Usery, E.L., 2004, The National Map: An Agent for environmental Modeling using the World Wide Web. 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Gavale, Sweden, June 7 - 9, 2004.

Finn, C., D. Blevins, G. Kelly, J. Holbrook, R. Jacobson, and J. Spooner, 2004, Integrated Investigations of Ecological Responses to Rehabilitation at Overton Bottoms, MO. Program, 8th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Columbia, Mo., May 23 - 26, 2004, p. 41.

Krizanich, G.W., and Wronkiewicz, D.J., 2004, Trace element trends in sediment cores from Clearwater Lake, southeast Missouri. [abs]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2004 Annual Meeting.

Varanka, D., 2004, Modern Map-Like Art, Images Interpreted Through A Perspective Learned From J.M. Blaut [abs.]: NACIS, September 2004. Portland, ME.

Varanka, D., 2004, Using the National Topographic Survey for Long Term Land Surface Change Studies. The 30th Congress of the International Geographical Union, August 2004.

Varanka, D., 2003, Snapshots in Critical Cartography; History, Theory, and Evidence. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, PA. March 18, 2004.

Varanka, D., Compiling The Cartographic Record Of Long-Term Land Surface For Carbon Cycle Studies. International Cartographic Association. August 2003.

Faeth, A.M., Wronkiewicz, D.J., Adams, C.D., Mendoza, C., McBurnett, J.D., Wolf, S.F., Krizanich, G.K., and Struttman, S.R., 2003, Metal speciation and transport in the Black River of Missouri's new lead belt. [abs]: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Abstracts with Programs.

Krizanich, G.W., 2003, Continuous seismic profiling for reservoir sediment characterization. [abs]: American Water Resources Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Krizanich, G.W., 2003, Continuous seismic profiling for reservoir sediment characterization. [abs]: 2003 Missouri GIS Conference, Columbia, MO.

Faeth, A.M., Wronkiewicz, D.J., Adams, C.D., Mendoza, C., McBurnett, J.D., Krizanich, G.K., and Struttman, S.R., 2003, Metal speciation and transport in the Black River of Missouri's new lead belt. [abs]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, North Central Section, 38th Annual Meeting.

Wronkiewicz, D.J., Faeth, A.M., Krizanich, G.W., and Struttman, S.R., 2002, Fate and transport of heavy metal contaminants in the Big River, old lead belt, southeastern Missouri. [abs.]:Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, p. 214.

Varanka, D., 2001, Precursors to the Rise of English World Atlases; Theatres, Atlases, Cosmographies, Geographies, and Sets of Maps. International Cartographic Association. August 2001, Beijing, China.

Varanka, D., 2001, Model and Case Study; Relating Leesburg, VA to an Urban Growth Model [abs.] Association of American Geographers. 2001.

Varanka, D., 2001, A USGS Urban Growth Model for the Study of Sustainability. Association of American Geographers. New York, NY, 2001.

Kinzel, P.J., Parker, R.S., Nelson, J.M., Starbuck, M., and Davis, L., 2001, Mapping Sandhill Crane Roost Sites Along the Central Platte River using Aerial Infrared Videography [abs.], Proceedings of the 11th Platte River Basin Ecosystem Symposium, February 27, 2001, Kearney, Nebraska.

Spooner, J., 2001, The geology of the lower Missouri River at Lisbon Bottom - Stratigraphy, geomorphology, and the rehabilitation of flood-plain habitats [abs.], GSA Abstracts with Programs:Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, p. A147.

Varanka, D., 2000, Modeling the City; Some Sociological Aspects of Urban Growth Modeling. International Geographical Union Congress. Seoul, South Korea, August 2000.

Starbuck, M., 1999, Development and Application of Digital Geographic Data in the Central Platte River Region [abs.], Proceedings of the 10th Platte River Basin Ecosystem Symposium, February 23, 1999, Kearney, Nebraska.

Starbuck, M.J., 1998, An Introduction to U.S. Geological Survey Digital Cartographic Products and their Applications [abs.], Geological Society of America, South-Central Section, 32nd annual meeting.

Starbuck, M.J, and Helterbrand, W.S., 1996, Merging Digital Raster Graphics and Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles for Use in Digital Map Revision [abs.], ASPRS-ACSM 1996 Annual Convention.

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Journal Articles

Karstensen, K.A., Witt, E.C., Shaver, D.K., 2008, Post Hurricane Sediment Analysis: The Military Engineer, vol. 100, no. 654.

Adams, C., Witt, E., Wang, J., Shaver, D., Summers, D., Filaili-Meknassi, Y., Shi, H., Luna, R., Anderson, N., 2007, Chemical Quality of Depositional Sediments and Associated Soils in New Orleans and the Louisiana Peninsula Following Hurricane Katrina (745 kB pdf file)

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Finn, M.P., Krizanich, G.W., Evans, K.R., and Usery, E.L., 2007, Contemporary high-resolution Lidar derived DEMs could inspire developments in the study of impact structures (8.6 Mb pdf file) [poster]: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy.

Varanka, D., 2008, Interpolating Missouri Population Pressure on Urbanizing Natural Areas. (2.3 Mb pdf file)

Spooner, J., and Kaufmann, J., 2007, Identifying the Primary Factors that Determine the Occurrence of Sinkholes in the Ozarks , 2007 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, Colorado. (647 kB pdf file)

Spooner, J., and Kaufmann, J., 2007, Identifying the Major Factors that Determine the Occurrence of Sinkholes in the Ozarks: An Interdisciplinary Study being Conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, 2007 National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri. (648 kB pdf)

Duncan, M., Fiehler, B., and Starbuck M., 2006, Evaluating the Horizontal Accuracy of GeoEye OrbView-3 Orthorectified Products Over the Kaintuck Hollow, Missouri Test Site (3.1 MB pdf file)

Starbuck, M., Whitney, J., and Simon, F., 2005, Use of Shuttle RADAR Topography Mission Data to Produce an Active Tectonics Map of South Asia, poster, SRTM workshop, June 2005, Reston, Virginia. (18.3 MB pdf file)

Starbuck, M., 2005, Hurricane Katrina Flood Water Depth Estimation, New Orleans, Louisiana; Poster, Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center internal publication. (13.8 MB pdf file)

Krizanich, G.W., Spooner, J.D., and Starbuck, M.J., Integrated Science - Providing a more Complete Understanding of Complex Problems, USGS 125th Anniversary Celebration, Denver, Colorado, March 1-3, 2005. (1 MB pdf file)

Starbuck, M., 2005, Abu Dhabi Emirate, Landsat 7 mosaic image map; Abu Dhabi Ground-Water Research Program. (16.5 MB pdf file)

Starbuck, M., 2005, Abu Dhabi Emirate 1996-2004, Abu Dhabi Ground-Water Research Program. (4 MB pdf file)

Starbuck, M., 2005, Abu Dhabi City, Abu Dhabi Emirate, Abu Dhabi Ground-Water Research Program. (7.5 MB pdf file)

Krizanich, G.W., and Wronkiewicz, D.J., 2004, Trace element trends in sediment cores from Clearwater Lake, southeast Missouri. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Shaver, David K., Interior River Lowlands Ecoregion - Land Cover Trends, USGS GIS 2004 Denver, Colorado, March 1-5, 2004.

Fiehler, B. and Starbuck, M., 2003, Digitized aerial photographs of the central Platte River available over the Internet; Poster, 12th Platte River Basin Ecosystem Symposium, February 2003, Kearney, Nebraska.

Starbuck, M. and Tamayo, J., 2002, Vegetation change detection in Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates; Poster, ESRI Middle-east and Africa User Conference, October 2002, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (1.5 MB pdf file)

Varanka, D., 2000, Mid-Atlantic Federal Partners (Dec. 2000). Urban Growth Modeling of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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