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Northern District of Indiana - LECC

The "Keeping Our Communities Safe" Resource ManualThe Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC) in the Northern District of Indiana serves as a catalyst for forging partnerships with federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutors. Law enforcement coordination is one of the highest priorities of the U.S. Attorney's Office because crime has no boundaries, and in order to fight crime effectively, law enforcement has to act unified. The law enforcement strategy of this District requires a high level of coordination and cooperation among all federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.

The LECC program is managed by James Mesterharm, LECC Manager and Ryan Holmes, who is a Violent Crimes Intelligence Research Specialist. The LECC works with law enforcement from all jurisdictions and represents the U.S. Attorney at many different events that involve law enforcement coordination.

The LECC regularly coordinates or assists in the coordination of training efforts to enhance the skills of officers throughout the Northern District of Indiana. Information on law enforcement education can be obtained by contacting the LECC.

Project Safe Neighborhoods logoIn 2002, the LECC developed a “Keeping Our Communities Safe” Initiative where programs such as: Project Safe Neighborhoods, Project Sentry, Crime Mapping, Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council, Asset Forfeiture, Identity Theft, Drug Demand Reduction and others were all combined under this one comprehensive strategy.

To find out more about the “Keeping Our Communities Safe” Initiative, please click on this link:

For further information on the LECC Program or U.S. Attorney's Office, please contact the U.S. Attorney’s Office at 219-937-5500.