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Welcome to StreamStats

StreamStats is a Web-based tool that allows users to obtain streamflow statistics, drainage-basin characteristics, and other information for user-selected sites on streams. StreamStats users can choose locations of interest from an interactive map and obtain information for these locations. If a user selects the location of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data-collection station, the user will get previously published information for the station from a database. If a user selects a location where no data are available (an ungaged site), a Geographic Information System (GIS) program will estimate information for the site. The GIS program determines the boundary of the drainage basin above the site, measures the physical characteristics of the drainage basin, and solves the appropriate regression equations to estimate streamflow statistics for the site. The results are presented in a table and a map showing the basin outline. The estimates assume natural flow conditions at the site. In the past, it could take an experienced person more than a day to estimate this information for an ungaged site. StreamStats reduces the effort to only a few minutes.

Separate applications have been established for each state that has implemented StreamStats. The state applications provide access to all of the functionality that is available for the state. The State Applications link at the left provides access to the individual applications. In addition to the state applications, a separate application has been established for serving information for USGS data-collection stations throughout the Nation. The USGS Station Statistics link to the left provides access to this application.

Some StreamStats options will not work in Netscape. The application continues to be improved and expanded. Please continue to come back to this page to see future enhancements. Contact us if you have any questions.



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