What Happened to What's New?

The content and data of the What's New pages are in the process of being moved to permanent locations on this site. When accessing any What's New page you will be redirected to this page.

Below is a list of previous What's New pages and their new locations.

Old URL New URL Comments
http://time.er.usgs.gov/whnew/index.html http://time.er.usgs.gov/TIME/ Indicated addition of new TIME data; integrated with data pages
http://time.er.usgs.gov/whnew/v3n1/v3n1.html http://time.er.usgs.gov/publications/ Posters from GEER 2000; integrated with publications pages
http://time.er.usgs.gov/whnew/v3n2 http://time.er.usgs.gov/animations/ Animations of SICS domain; integrated with animations pages
http://time.er.usgs.gov/whnew/v2n1 http://time.er.usgs.gov/sics/ SICS model information; integrated with SICS page
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