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Content Last Revised: 7/28/78

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 640  

Standard for Benefit Payment Promptness--Unemployment Compensation

20 CFR 640.8 - Enforcement of the standard.

  • Section Number: 640.8
  • Section Name: Enforcement of the standard.

    (a) Action by the Department of Labor. When a State agency fails, 

for an extended period, to meet the standard set forth in Sec. 640.4 or 

the criteria specified in Sec. 640.5, or fails to show satisfactory 

improvement after having submitted a benefit payment performance plan of 

action, the Department of Labor shall pursue any of the following 

remedial steps that it deems necessary before considering application of 

the provisions of Sec. 640.2:

    (1) Initiate informal discussion with State agency officials 

pursuant to Sec. 601.5(b) of this chapter.

    (2) Conduct an evaluation of the State's benefit payment processes 

and analyze the reasons for the State's failure to meet the standard.

    (3) Recommend specific actions for the State to take to improve its 

benefit payment performance.

    (4) Request the State to submit a plan for complying with the 

standard by a prescribed date.

    (5) Initiate special reporting requirements for a specified period 

of time.

    (6) Consult with the Governor of the State regarding the 

consequences of the State's noncompliance with the standard.

    (7) Propose to the Governor of the State and on an agreed upon basis 

arrange for the use of expert Federal staff to furnish technical 

assistance to the State agency with respect to its payment operations.

    (b) Action by the Assistant Secretary. If, after all remedial steps 

have been exhausted, a State fails to take appropriate action, or 

otherwise fails to meet the standard specified in Sec. 640.4, the 

Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training shall, after taking all 

factors into consideration, recommend to the Secretary of Labor that 

appropriate notice be sent to the State agency and that an opportunity 

for a hearing be extended in accordance with section 303(b) of the 

Social Security Act.
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