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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 636  

Complaints, Investigations and Hearings

20 CFR 636.8 - Initial and final determination; request for hearing at the Federal level.

  • Section Number: 636.8
  • Section Name: Initial and final determination; request for hearing at the Federal level.

    (a) Initial determination. Upon the conclusion of a review of the 

entire administrative record of an investigation conducted pursuant to 

Sec. 636.6 or after the conclusion of the comment period for audits, the 

Grant Officer shall make an initial determination of the matter in 

controversy including the allowability of questioned costs or 

activities. Such determination shall be based upon the requirements of 

the Act, regulations, grants or other agreements, under the Act. The 

determination may conclude either:

    (1) That based upon the entire record there is no violation of the 

Act, regulations, grants or other agreements under the Act; or

    (2) That there is evidence to support the allegation, or finding of 

questioned costs or activities.

    (b) Contents of initial determination. (1) In the event that the 

Grant Officer makes a finding that there is evidence to support the 

allegation of a violation the initial determination shall:

    (i) Be in writing;

    (ii) State the basis of the determination, including factual 

findings and conclusions;

    (iii) Specify the costs or activities disallowed;

    (iv) Specify the corrective actions required and/or that sanctions 

may be imposed; and

    (v) Give notice of an opportunity for informal resolution of the 

matters as necessary to the appropriate parties, which should include 

all interested parties specified by the Grant Officer.

    (2) In the event that the Grant Officer makes a finding of no 

violation the initial determination shall:

    (i) Be in writing;

    (ii) State the bases of the determination (factual findings and 

conclusions); and

    (iii) Give notice of the opportunity to present additional 

information within 30 days of receipt of the initial determination.

    (3) The initial determination shall be mailed by certified mail 

return receipt requested to the parties and interested parties.

    (c) Allowability of certain questioned costs. In any case in which 

the Grant Officer determines that the recipient meets the requirements 

of section 164(e)(2)(A)-(D) of the Act, the Grant Officer may waive the 

imposition of sanctions (sec. 164(e)(3)). It is the responsibility of 

the grantee to request such waiver by the Grant Officer and to submit 

the evidence to be used to make the finding.

    (d) Informal resolution. Except as provided by section 164(f) of the 

Act, the Grant Officer shall not revoke a grant, in whole or in part, 

nor institute corrective action or sanctions against a grantee without 

first providing the grantee with an opportunity to informally resolve 

those matters contained in the Grant Officer's initial determination. If 

all matters are informally resolved, the Grant Officer shall notify the 

parties in writing of the nature of the resolution, which shall 

constitute final agency action, not subject to appeal, and shall close 

the file.

    (e) Final determination. (1) If all the parties and the Grant 

Officer cannot informally resolve any matter pursuant to paragraph (d) 

of this section, the Grant Officer shall provide each party with a final 

written determination by certified mail, return receipt requested. In 

the case of audits, the final determination shall be issued not later 

than 180 days after the receipt by the Grant Officer of the final 

approved audit report.

    (2) The final determination shall:

    (i) Indicate that efforts to informally resolve matters contained in 

the initial determination pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section have 

been unsuccessful;

    (ii) List those matters upon which the parties continue to disagree;

    (iii) List any modifications to the factual findings and conclusions 

set in the initial determination;

    (iv) List any sanctions, and required corrective actions, including 

any other alteration or modification of the plan,

grant, agreement or program ordered by the Grant Officer; and

    (v) Inform the parties of their opportunity to request a hearing 

pursuant to these regulations.

    (3) If it is determined in the final notice that the complaint does 

not allege and/or the evidence does not indicate that there is reason to 

believe there may have been a violation of the Act, regulations, grants 

or other agreements under the Act, the Grant Officer shall dismiss the 

complaint without an offer of a hearing. Such dismissal shall constitute 

final agency action.
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