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OAR Policy and Guidance Metarecord

Document Title/Subject:
Proposed Requirements for Implementation Plans and Ambient Air Quality Surveillance for Sulfur Oxides National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Related Documents:
Proposed Implementation Requirements for Reduction of Sulfur Oxide Emissions (proposed 12/96)
Signed by: Unsigned

Signature Date: March 7, 1995

Dan DeRoeck
Information Transfer and Program Integration Division, OAQPS



Regulatory Authority:
Title 1

Information Transfer and Program Integration Division (OAQPS)
Submitted By:
Document Type:
Proposed & Final Preambles & Rules
EPA Document Number:

Federal Register:
Subject Category:

Sulfur oxides
Ambient Surveillance
Air pollutants
Clean Air Act
This is an action proposing implementation strategies for reducing short-term high concentration sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) emissions in the ambient air. The EPA is concerned that a segment of the asthmatic population may be at
increased health risk when exposed to 5-minute peak concentrations of SO2 in the ambient air while exercising. "Exercising" in this case can include walking up stairs or hills, as well as more strenuous activities.
In a related document published on November 15, 1994 at 59 FR 58958 in the Federal Register (part 50/53 document), EPA proposed not to revise the current 24-hour and annual primary national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for sulfur oxides (measured as SO2) while soliciting comment on the possible need to adopt additional regulatory measures to address short-term peak SO2 exposures. The three alternatives under consideration include: (1) augmenting the implementation of the existing standards by focusing on those sources or source types likely to produce high 5-minute peak SO2 concentrations; (2) establishing a new regulatory program under the authority of Section 303 of the Clean Air Act (Act) to supplement protection provided by the
existing SO2 NAAQS; and (3) revising the existing SO2 NAAQS by adding a new 5-minute NAAQS of 0.60 ppm SO2, 1 expected exceedance. All three regulatory alternatives would be implemented through a risk-based targeted strategy designed
to protect the population at risk while minimizing the burden on the States for implementation. This document presents EPA's proposed targeted implementation strategy and the associated regulatory requirements for implementing each of the regulatory measures under consideration. Also in this document, EPA solicits comments on appropriate changes to the new source review (NSR) programs (40 CFR parts 51 and 52) as they relate to the 5-minute NAAQS regulatory alternative, and EPA proposes to incorporate appropriate changes to the ambient air quality surveillance requirements (40 CFR Part 58).

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