Title: Dear Colleague Letter on Cyber-Enabled Chemstry Date: 04/13/05 Subject: Unsolicited proposals to the Division of Chemistry relevant to cyber-enabled chemistry Dear Colleague: The National Science Foundation, its Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), and the Division of Chemistry within the MPS Directorate, have recognized the transformational potential of cyber-based tools. As articulated in the Atkins report (http://www.nsf.gov/cise/sci/reports/atkins.pdf) and a recent Division of Chemistry workshop report on cyber-enabled chemistry (http://bioeng.berkeley.edu/faculty/cyber_workshop/), cyberinfrastructure can enable our community to address scientific problems of unprecedented complexity; leverage resources by facilitating the sharing of instrumentation, data, and expertise; and broaden participation by creating a national and international community that permits investigators to collaborate with anyone, anywhere, anytime on projects of mutual interest in basic research and education. The most recent Committee of Visitors report urges the Division of Chemistry “…to energize the community to take part in the nascent NSF programs in cyber-technology” (http://www.nsf.gov/od/oia/activities/cov/mps/2004/CHEcov.pdf). A description of cyber-enabled chemistry and some examples of current awards and nuggets may be found at http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=13603&org=CHE&from=home. The Division of Chemistry will continue to update its instrumentation and multi-investigator programs (see www.nsf.gov/chem for a complete listing) to encourage projects that contribute to the development of cyber-enabled chemistry. However, the Division recognizes that its core traditional source of bold transformative ideas – individual investigators – has much to contribute to this important effort. Therefore, unsolicited research proposals to the Division that include innovative uses of cyber-based tools that can impact chemistry broadly are strongly encouraged. As is standard practice, these proposals should be submitted to divisional programs (Analytical & Surface Chemistry; Inorganic, Bioinorganic & Organometallic Chemistry; Organic & Macromolecular Chemistry; Physical Chemistry) during the proposal window that opens the second Monday of July and closes the second Friday of January (http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2000/nsf0076/nsf0076.htm). Support for both research and cyber-infrastructure innovation can be requested in the budget. Primary Contact: Dr. Celeste M. Rohlfing Division of Chemistry crohlfin@nsf.gov; tel. 703-292-4962 Sincerely, Arthur B. Ellis Director, Division of Chemistry aellis@nsf.gov; tel 703-292-4960