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Department of Commerce

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Secretary's Speech



November 8, 2006


U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez Remarks to U.S. Chamber of Commerce: 7th Annual Corporate Citizenship Awards Dinner
Washington, D.C.

I'm honored to be here tonight and to be a part of recognizing this year's award winners. This is truly an exceptional program that Secretary Evans and the U.S. Chamber started a few years ago.

There are two key reasons why tonight is so important.

Unsung Heroes
First, these awards acknowledge the often-unsung heroes of our American way of life: the private businesses that you represent.

You are the true heroes of our economy and our country. You're providing jobs--nearly 2 million U.S. jobs in the past year.

You're taking risks. You're investing money. You're making your communities stronger and better places for people to work and live.

And you help those who sometimes need a little extra support through your charitable giving.

  • Last year, corporate America donated $13.7 billion, a 22 percent increase.

What impresses me most about corporate citizenship is that American companies are making these contributions to society no matter where they're doing business.

I've traveled around the world and across America as a private businessman, and for the last 18 months as a government official. Wherever I go, I see and hear what American businesses are doing, creating growth and opportunity in every market you enter.

You are the greatest ambassadors for freedom and free enterprise. When a U.S. company enters a market, it introduces our value system. It provides training, technology and opportunity.

Overseas, open markets and economic engagement are the most powerful forms of aid.

You hear a lot of talk about "social justice" in Latin America these days. But make no mistake; free enterprise and democratic freedom are what bring "true" social justice.

Business and Government Working Together
The second reason why the Corporate Citizenship Awards are so exceptional is that they show how much can be accomplished when business and government work together as partners.

This is something we do almost daily at the Commerce Department, as most of you know. Whether it's working on opening a new market or trying to fix a misguided regulation, we have an excellent working relationship.

But there is no better or more admirable example than the work we did together, and continue doing, along the Gulf Coast in the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

It's most fitting that tonight we're honoring the work of the entire private sector in the days, weeks and months after those devastating storms.

  • To date, in-kind and cash contributions total $1.3 billion. That's remarkable.

What's more, businesses are lining up to invest throughout the regional, knowing that rebuilding the Gulf Coast is important to the country. They also know it's smart business. The Gulf Coast is probably the biggest emerging market in the world.

So to all of you here tonight, I thank you for your leadership. I thank you for believing in a cause, for believing in the greater good by serving your companies, your shareholders, your workers and your communities.

And to tonight's award winners: You are this year's best of the best. We thank you for showing us how any business, large or small, can make a contribution to the community and to the nation.


Thank you very much!