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Agency Information Collection Activities; Announcement of OMB Approval [Notices] [04/06/2001]

EBSA (Formerly PWBA) Federal Register Notice

Agency Information Collection Activities; Announcement of OMB Approval [04/06/2001]

[PDF Version]

Volume 66, Number 67, Page 18315-18316



Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration

Agency Information Collection Activities; Announcement of OMB 

AGENCY: Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Department of 

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (PWBA) is 
announcing that collections of information included in its Prohibited 
Transaction Exemptions 75-1, 80-83, and 88-59 have been approved by the 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act 
of 1995. This notice announces the OMB approval numbers and expiration 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Address requests for copies of the 
information collection requests (ICRs) to Gerald B. Lindrew, U.S. 
Department of Labor, Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, 200 
Constitution Avenue, NW., Room N-5647, Washington, DC 20210. Telephone: 
(202) 219-4782. This is not a toll-free number.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the Federal Register of August 22, 2000 
(65 FR 51038), the Agency announced its intent to request renewal of 
its current OMB approval for the information collection provisions of 
Prohibited Transaction Class Exemption 75-1 (Broker-dealers, reporting 
dealers, banks engaging in securities transactions with employee 
benefit plans). In accordance with PRA 95, OMB has renewed its approval 
for the ICR under OMB control number 1210-0092. The approval expires 
January 31, 2004.
    In the Federal Register of August 22, 2000 (65 FR 51038), the 
Agency announced its intent to request renewal of its current OMB 
approval for the information collection provisions of

[[Page 18316]]

Prohibited Transaction Class Exemption 80-83 (Transactions involving 
purchase of securities where issuer may use proceeds to reduce 
indebtedness to parties-in-interest). In accordance with PRA 95, OMB 
has renewed its approval for the ICR under OMB control number 1210-
0064. The approval expires January 31, 2004.
    In the Federal Register of August 22, 2000 (65 FR 51037), the 
Agency announced its intent to request renewal of its current OMB 
approval for the information collection provisions of Prohibited 
Transaction Class Exemption 88-59 (Residential Mortgage Financing 
Arrangements). In accordance with PRA 95, OMB has renewed its approval 
for the ICR under OMB control number 1210-0095. The approval expires 
January 31, 2004.
    Under 5 CFR 1320.5(b), an Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a 
person is not required to respond to, a collection of information 
unless the collection of information displays a valid control number.

    Dated: March 30, 2001.
Gerald B. Lindrew,
Deputy Director, Office of Policy and Research, Pension and Welfare 
Benefits Administration.
[FR Doc. 01-8517 Filed 4-5-01; 8:45 am]

Phone Numbers