Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region
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Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP)

The National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 requires each National Wildlife Refuge to prepare a comprehensive plan by the year 2012. The Chassahowitzka Complex of refuges involves CCP planning efforts for three distinct planning areas: Tampa Bay Refuges, Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), and Chassahowitzka NWR. Each CCP takes 3-4 years from initiation (pre-planning) to adoption.

The following is a status of the planning efforts of each refuge:

Tampa Bay Refuges (Pinellas, Passage and Egmont Keys) – public scoping was held in 2005. A draft CCP for public review is expected to be developed in 2009. Public meetings on the draft will be held then.

Crystal River – Public scoping will be conducted on Feb. 6, 2008 in Crystal River. A public review draft CCP document is not expected to be developed and released about 2010.

Chassahowitzka NWR – Planning is expected to start in 2009 with a public review draft CCP document expected in 2011.

The plan will address the management of plant species, wildlife and fish populations, endangered species, cultural resources, contaminants, public use, education, research, and partnerships.

Generally, a Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP):

  • Is a 15-year refuge management plan;
  • Serves the purposes of the refuge;
  • Describes the desired future conditions of a refuge;
  • Provides consistency and continuity; and
  • Provides long-range guidance and management direction for a refuge manager.

The multi-year CCP Process includes the following steps:

  • Conduct Preplanning (research and analysis of needs);
  • Conduct public scoping (obtain public input on priority issues);
  • Prepare a Draft CCP and Environmental Assessment (EA) report;
  • Conduct an internal review of the report with Service personnel;
  • Hold a public review and comment period on the Draft CCP/EA;
  • Create a Final CCP;
  • Fulfill all applicable National Environmental Policy Act requirements;
  • Implement and monitor the CCP over 15 years; and
  • Review & revise the Plan within 15 years.

Purposes of the Plan

  • Provide a clear statement regarding the management of the refuge for the next 15 years;
  • Provide refuge neighbors, visitors, the public, and government officials with an understanding of refuge management actions on and around the refuge;
  • Ensure that the refuge's management actions are consistent with the mandates of the National Wildlife Refuge System; and
  • Provide a basis for the development of budget requests on the refuge's operational, maintenance, and capitol improvement needs.

Who will be developing the plan?

The planning process will be coordinated and the plan will be written by staff at Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge and the Natural Resource Planner, who is a regional planner. Refuge staff will coordinate with other federal, state and local agency staff. Throughout the process, the public will have the opportunity to express their thoughts and suggestions.


The Chassahowitzka Complex of 5 refuges are among over 540 refuges within the National Wildlife Refuge System. This system is a network of United States lands and waters managed specifically for wildlife and is administered by the Department of the Interior’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 states the Refuge system mission is to “administer a national network of lands and waters for the conservation, management and, where appropriate, restoration of the fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans”.

Purposes of the Refuge

The purposes of the refuge are tied to the Executive Orders and legislative acts during establishment and expansion.

Pinellas Key National Wildlife Refuge Purposes -

“….for use as an inviolate sanctuary, or for any other management purpose, for migratory birds.”

“…suitable for (1) incidental fish and wildlife-oriented recreational development. (2) the protection of natural resources, (3) the conservation of endangered species or threatened species…. "

Passage Key National Wildlife Refuge Purpose –

“…as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds.”

Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge Purpose –

“…administer the refuge in accordance with the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966...”

Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge Purpose NWR

The purposes shown here are based upon land acquisition documents and authorities. The unit purposes may also include purposes included as deed restrictions, management agreements with primary land managers and congressional established wilderness designations which were not part of the acquisition documents and authorities.

... to conserve (A) fish or wildlife which are listed as endangered species or threatened species .... or (B) plants ... 16 U.S.C. 1534 (Endangered Species Act of 1973)

... suitable for...(1) incidental fish and wildlife-oriented recreational development, (2) the protection of natural resources, (3) the conservation of endangered species or threatened species ... 16 U.S.C. 460k-1 ... the Secretary ... may accept and use ... real ... property. Such acceptance may be accomplished under the terms and conditions of restrictive covenants imposed by donors ...16 U.S.C. 460k-2 (Refuge Recreation Act (16 U.S.C. 460k-460k-4), as amended).

... the conservation of the wetlands of the Nation in order to maintain the public benefits they provide and to help fulfill international obligations contained in various migratory bird treaties and conventions…16 U.S.C 3901 (B) 100 Stat.3583 (Emergency Wetlands Resources Act of 1986)

Want to get involved?

Public involvement is an integral part of the planning process and will be incorporated through scoping meetings, document review, and public hearings.

Public Meetings:

Prior to developing the draft plan, the Service will hold public workshops to allow interested citizens the opportunity to express their thoughts and suggestions about future management of the refuge. Once a public review draft is available for each of the refuges, there will be another set of public meetings. Public notices in local papers, notification through mailings, and postings on the refuge's website ( will inform the public of the plan’s availability and public workshop schedules. The plan will also be posted on the website.

Document Review:

Once the draft plan is released to the public, a review period will be designated for submitting comments.

Mailing List:

In order to place your name and address on our mailing list we must have your written permission. Federal government mailing lists must be released to the public upon request. (Click here for printable form)

For More Information about the CCP Process, please contact:

Tampa Bay Refuges:
Richard Meyers,
Assistant Refuge Manager

Crystal River NWR:
Joyce Kleen,
Wildlife Biologist

Chassahowitzka NWR:
Keith Ramos, Deputy Refuge Manager

General CCP Information:
Mary Morris,
Natural Resources Planner


Last updated: August 7, 2008