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EPA Resources

EPA Quality System
National quality assurance resources

Region 9 Lab
Region 9's facility for chemical analysis of water.

The quality assurance references below are technical guides followed when performing environmental sampling work for EPA. The documents define various technical guidelines that sampling events should address to develop defensible data suitable for environmental decision making. Since most EPA decisions ultimately involve data collection, these documents are very important, since they are the key to reliable data.

This area of EPA's Web site is most suitable for contractors, state and local officials, and responsible parties who need an in-depth understanding of data collection and documentation requirements.

Analytical Methods & Reference
Services and procedures for the analysis of hazardous chemicals in soil, water and air

Field Sampling Procedures
Standard procedures for field measurements and the collection of environmental samples

Quality Assurance Project Plans
Guidance for planning field and laboratory measurements to ensure data quality

Data Validation & Laboratory QA
Procedures for reviewing the quality of laboratory analytical data


Data Quality Indicator Tables
Quality assurance/Quality control acceptance criteria for laboratory analytical data

Tribal Resources
Quality assurance guidance for tribes

Alternate Test Procedures
Announcements & processes for applying for Alternate Test Procedures (ATPs)

Quality assurance guidance from EPA Headquarters and regional offices

About the Quality Assurance Office
Region 9 Quality Assurance Office mission statement and quality management plan

Region 9 Topics and Programs | A-Z Index

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