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Fact Sheet

April 2007

Third Five-Year Review to Begin, Hastings Ground Water Contamination Superfund Site, Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducts regular checkups, called five-year reviews, on Superfund sites where cleanups are in progress or have been completed. These reviews are required by the Superfund law [42 U.S.C. Section 9621 (c)]. EPA Region 7 and the city of Hastings have initiated the third five-year review of the Hastings Ground Water Contamination Superfund Site in Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska.


EPA began investigating sources of ground water contamination in the Hastings area in 1984, after high levels of contaminants were found in three municipal wells used to supply drinking water to the public. The contamination occurred primarily as a result of releases of hazardous substances from a former coal gasification plant, solvents from local industries, and grain fumigants from grain storage facilities. In 1986, the site was placed on the National Priorities List, a list of sites in the nation eligible for investigation and remediation under the Superfund Program.

The Hastings Ground Water Contamination site covers the central industrial area of the city of Hastings and areas outside the city limits. For purposes of response actions the site has been divided into seven subsites. The names of these sites identify their location within the Hastings area. The subsites are known as:

. Far-Mar-Co
. North Landfill
. Second Street
. Colorado Avenue
. Well Number 3
. South Landfill
. Naval Ammunition Depot (NAD).

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is conducting the five-year review for the NAD while EPA is conducting the five-year review for the other six subsites.

EPA is coordinating multiple response actions at the Hastings site. The actions taken, or planned, serve to reduce contamination at each of the subsites so the ground water quality will meet the federal safe drinking water standards.


EPA and the city of Hastings will study site information during this third five-year review and inspect the site to determine if the remedies continue to protect human health and the environment. EPA and the state encourage members of the community to ask questions and report any concerns about the site.

A final report will be prepared at the end of the five-year review and will be placed in the site administrative record. This is expected to be available to the public, mid-year 2007


EPA will hold an Availability Session for the public after the five-year review report has been completed and placed in the site administrative record. EPA project managers will be at the session to discuss the findings of the five-year review, the site response actions conducted to date, and the next steps for the site cleanup. The location and date of the meeting will be announced in the Hastings Tribune.


The site administrative record is available at the following locations during normal business hours:

EPA Records Center
901 N. Fifth St.
Kansas City, Kan.

Hastings Public Library
517 W. Fourth St.
Hastings, Neb.

Questions or requests for information about the five-year review process can be submitted to:

Fritz Hirter
Community Involvement Coordinator
EPA Region 7
901 N. Fifth St.
Kansas City, KS 66101
Toll free: (800) 223-0425
E-mail: hirter.fritz@epa.gov

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