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Fact Sheet

February 2006

Quarterly Update for Herculaneum Lead Smelter Site, Herculaneum, Missouri


This is the second quarterly update issued by the EPA Region 7 in our effort to keep the Herculaneum community informed about progress at the Herculaneum Lead Smelter Site. This newsletter includes information about the work conducted by the EPA, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS). The Herculaneum Community Advisory Group (CAG) may also use the newsletter to provide community members with information about their activities.


On December 19, 2005, EPA published a notice in the Federal Register to invite the public to review and comment on a proposed finding that the Missouri State Implementation Plan (SIP) for lead is substantially inadequate to attain the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) in Herculaneum. Doe Run-Herculaneum violated the NAAQS for lead in three consecutive calendar quarters of 2005. The company and the MDNR operate monitors at the Broad Street monitoring location.

The standard for lead is set at a level of 1.5 micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air, averaged over a calendar quarter. Doe Run’s monitor recorded a quarterly value of 1.928 micrograms per cubic meter in the first calendar quarter of 2005, and MDNR’s monitor recorded a quarterly value of 1.877. Doe Run’s monitor recorded a value of 1.615 in the second quarter, and MDNR’s monitor recorded a value of 1.60 in the third quarter. Air monitoring results at the Doe Run Herculaneum facility fell within the NAAQS during the fourth quarter of 2005.

The deadline for submitting comments on EPA’s proposed actions related to the State Implementation Plan for the Doe Run facility in Herculaneum ended January 18. EPA is currently reviewing comments received from the public. For additional information on this action, contact Amy Algoe-Eakin, Air Planning and Development Branch, or Kim Olson, Office of External Programs, 913-551-7003 or toll free 800-223-0425.


EPA will continue oversight of Doe Run’s replacement of contaminated yard soils during calendar year 2006. To date, 407 yards have been replaced and 113 home interiors have been cleaned.


EPA monitors for lead recontamination in surface soils every six months. The data indicate that lead levels are trending upward in areas within eight-tenths of a mile from the smelter. Data and statistics collected by EPA are available at: www.epa.gov/region7/cleanup/superfund/major_superfund_site_reports.html.

EPA has analyzed soil samples collected through the third quarter of 2005. These samples indicate:


EPA continues to negotiate with Doe Run related to the slag pile design, construction and wetland mitigation required by the Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) for the Herculaneum Slag Storage Area. Copies of the approved EE/CA, all comments and related responses are available at the Herculaneum City Hall and the Windsor Branch of the Jefferson County Library.


In September 2004, EPA requested that the Laboratory for Environmental and Geological Studies at the University of Colorado conduct a study to characterize soils and household dust collected from selected Herculaneum residences. EPA has approved the final study report. The CAG requested that EPA include the following verbatim summary from the conclusions identified in the study in our next Herculaneum update.

Based on data presented in this summary the following conclusions can be reached with respect to the occurrences of lead found in residential soils and dusts from the Herculaneum area.

Based on the data reviewed in this summary it is my opinion that the lead in residential soils and house dust from the Herculaneum area are the result of activities associated with the Doe Run operation and include; smelter-stack emissions, fugitive emissions from hauling and storage as well as waste and concentration spillages.” A copy of the speciation report is available for viewing with other site documents at the Herculaneum City Hall.


As of December 31, 2005, 133 property purchases have been closed and 142 purchase offers have been accepted by Herculaneum residents. Twenty permanent residences did not participate in the Voluntary Property Purchase Program.


Community Advisory Group Meeting

The next meeting of the Herculaneum Lead Smelter
Community Advisory Group will be held:

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Herculaneum High School Cafeteria
Herculaneum, Missouri


EPA encourages the community to review the Administrative Record file, which is available at the following locations:

Herculaneum City Hall
1 Parkwood Court
Herculaneum, Missouri

EPA Region 7
901 N. 5th Street
Kansas City, Kansas

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact:

Dianna Whitaker
Office of External Programs
U.S. EPA Region 7
901 N. 5th Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 913-551-7003 or
Toll Free: 1-800-223-0425

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