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Fact Sheet

July 2006

Proposed Hazardous Waste Permit Renewal - The Sherwin-Williams Co., Coffeyville, Kansas


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) invite the public to comment on the proposal to renew Part II of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permit for the Sherwin- Williams Co.  The facility is located at 1700 W. 4th St., Coffeyville, Kansas.

The public comment period will start on July 18, 2006 and end on September 1, 2006.  All written comments should be sent to the EPA contact listed below.  Also, EPA and KDHE will be available on July 18th to answer questions about the proposed Part II permit renewal.  See box below for details.

Under the requirements of RCRA, Sherwin-Williams is responsible for the cleanup of contaminated soil both within the facility boundaries and residential yard soils in the area surrounding the facility.  EPA has prepared a Statement of Basis to explain the proposed remedy for on-site cleanup and the proposed final cleanup level for off-site contamination.  The renewed Part II permit would require Sherwin-Williams to address on-site and off-site contamination in accordance with the remedies proposed in the Statement of Basis and continue groundwater monitoring activities.


The Sherwin-Williams facility comprises about 70 acres of a manufacturing site located on the west side of Coffeyville, Kansas, in southern Montgomery County. This facility began manufacturing paint pigments from ore materials in 1906.  Lead, zinc, cadmium, and barium were the primary inorganic materials used during the pigment production.  Most production activities ceased in 1983. Intermittent production of zinc-molybdenum pigment and defoamer is the only process currently active at the site.

The facility obtained interim status in 1980 as a hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facility.  After an evaluation of the facility's activities, EPA and KDHE required Sherwin-Williams to prepare and submit a post-closure permit application.  The original permit, issued in 1988, required the facility to perform post-closure care for the regulated units and initiate groundwater monitoring under KDHE authority, and initiate corrective action requirements under EPA authority.  Beginning in 1995, Sherwin-Williams implemented sampling and cleanup of contaminated soil from residential yards, parks, schools, and day care facilities adjacent to the facility.  To date, off-site residential soils with contamination levels greater than the proposed cleanup levels of 750 parts-per-million lead and 54 parts-per-million arsenic have been cleaned-up.  These proposed cleanup levels were determined on the basis of risk assessments developed using site- and area-specific information. The Statement of Basis, EPA’s Part II renewal permit, and the Administrative Record contain information regarding the off-site cleanup.

Sherwin-Williams has also conducted extensive sampling of on-site and groundwater, and surface water and sediments from the North and South Stormwater Collection Ponds and drainageways from the facility into the Verdigris River.  This information, contained in the Administrative Record, was used to develop the permit Part II work requirements.  The Statement of Basis describes the proposed on-site cleanup of contaminated soil and continued groundwater monitoring required of Sherwin-Williams in the renewal permit.

The Part I permit for the continuation of the post-closure maintenance and groundwater monitoring for the seven waste management units under KDHE authority was renewed in 2005.  Completion of the on-site and off-site cleanup of contamination is done under in the Part II permit.

The Part II permit was first proposed to the public in 2003.  Additional data collection in 2004 indicated higher levels of lead contamination at deeper soils on-site.  Because of this new information, the proposed on-site cleanup plan has been modified.

Public Availability Session

July 18, 2006
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Community Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room
102 South Cline
Coffeyville, Kansas 67337

EPA and KDHE will be available to answer questions about the proposed Part II permit renewal. All members of the public are welcome to attend anytime from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Public Comments

Please submit your written comments about the proposed Part II permit renewal to:

Stephanie Doolan
901 N. Fifth St.
Kansas City, KS  66101
913-551-7719 or

Mostafa Kamal
KDHE/HWP Section
1000 SW Jackson, Ste. 320
Topeka, KS  66612-1366

Written comments will be accepted until September 1, 2006.


EPA and KDHE are requesting the public to comment on the proposed Part II permit renewal.  EPA encourages the public to review the Statement of Basis and the draft permit application during the public comment period, which will start on July 18, 2006, and end on September 1, 2006. The Administrative Record is available at the following locations:

Coffeyville Public Library
311 W. 10th Street
Coffeyville, KS 67337
(620) 251-1370
Hours of Operation:
Mon. – Thurs., 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Fri., 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sat.,  9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

EPA Region 7
Information Resource Center
901 N. Fifth Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
(913) 551-7166
Hours of Operation:
Mon. – Fri., 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

1000 SW Jackson, Ste. 320
Topeka, KS 66612-1366
(800) 282-9790 or
(785) 296-1609
Hours of Operation:
Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

EPA and KDHE will review all comments received during the public comment period before making a final decision on the proposed Part II permit.  When the final decision to issue or to deny the permit is made, notice will be given to the facility, all persons who submitted written comments, and all persons who requested notice of the final permit decision.  The permit will become effective immediately upon its issuance if none of the public comments result in changes from the draft permit.  The permit will become effective 30 days after the notice of the final decision if public comments result in changes.  Commenters can petition EPA for the Part II permit renewal to review any condition of the permit that involves comments they made during the comment period.  Those who fail to file comments may petition for administrative review only to the extent the changes occur from the draft to the final permit.

A formal public hearing has not been scheduled but will be held if there is sufficient public interest.  Requests for a public hearing must be made in writing to the EPA contact at the address listed on page 1 and must state the nature of issues to be raised at the hearing.  EPA and KDHE will evaluate any request and hold a formal hearing if they find that a hearing will contribute to the decision-making process.  EPA and KDHE will make a final cleanup decision only after the public comment period ends and all comments are reviewed.

Individuals may write to the EPA contact below to join the mailing list.  Joining the mailing list will allow an individual to receive any updated information directly throughout the permit process.

If you have questions or want to receive further information, please contact:

Shawntell Martin
Office of External Programs
U.S. EPA Region 7
901 N. Fifth Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 913-551-7003 or
Toll Free: 1-800-223-0425

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