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Region 7 Agriculture Fact Sheet

Picture of people observing swine operations - Pictured (right to left): Allison Wiedeman, branch chief of EPA's Office of Wastewater Management, Donna Porter, EPA Region 7 CAFO coordinator, Kris Lancaster, EPA Region 7 public affairs specialist, and Suzanne Hall, EPA Region 7 non-point source coordinator.Region 7 Agriculture Team Tours Iowa Swine Production Facility, Briefs Officials

EPA Region 7 Agriculture Team members experienced a rare opportunity to tour a 3,500 swine production facility in southern Iowa in October 2008. EPA briefed officials about Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) regulations and environmental issues related to the swine industry. On the tour, the Region 7 team was able to review many types of manure management systems including deep pit, shallow pit, anaerobic and aerobic lagoons. Staff of the following organizations participated in the briefings and tour: Swine Graphics Enterprise, National Pork Producers Council, National Pork Board, and Iowa Pork Producers Association. Pictured (right to left): Allison Wiedeman, branch chief of EPA's Office of Wastewater Management, Donna Porter, EPA Region 7 CAFO coordinator, Kris Lancaster, EPA Region 7 public affairs specialist, and Suzanne Hall, EPA Region 7 non-point source coordinator.

John B. Askew, EPA Region 7 administrator, announces second meeting of EPA's Farm, Ranch and Rural Communities Advisory Committee - Sept. 10, 2008

John B. Askew, EPA Region 7 administrator, announces recognition of two Midwestern ethanol plants - June 17, 2008


EPA Region 7 Administrator John Askew (right) was interviewed by Scott Zaremba at KLWN-AM Radio in Lawrence, Kansas, in August 2008. Region 7 Administrator Askew Interviewed by KLWN-AM Radio in Lawrence, Kan.

EPA Region 7 Administrator John Askew (right) was interviewed by Scott Zaremba at KLWN-AM Radio in Lawrence, Kansas, in August 2008. The one-hour interview covered many topics, including air quality, ozone, ethanol, biodiesel, the renewable fuel standard, public transit, and measures the public can take to reduce ozone pollution. EPA recently welcomed Zaremba, owner of Earth Friendly Fuels Station in Lawrence, as one of the newest Blue Skyways Collaborative partners. In addition to offering several blends of ethanol and biodiesel, the station has a roof garden that will filter pollutants and greenhouse gases from the air. During the interview, Zaremba and Askew discussed the energy innovations at the station.

Ethanol Plant Compliance Manual: Environmental Laws Applicable to Construction and Operation of Ethanol Plants (PDF) (104 pp, 3.2MB)

Environmental Management Systems

"Environmental Management Systems - Good Business for Pork Producers," an article by Jon Scholl, Counselor to the EPA Administrator for Agricultural Policy

"Here's Help with New Regs," an article on environmental management systems in Agriculture Online Exit EPA

"Airing Out Environmental Directives," an article in Pork Magazine featuring EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson Exit EPA

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