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Biogeochemistry of Arsenic in Contaminated Soils of Superfund Sites
Grant Number R830842
RFA: Superfund Minority Institutions Program: Hazardous Substance Research (2002)

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  • Abstract (23)
  • Book Chapter (2)
  • Dissertation/Thesis (3)
  • Journal Article (9)
  • Presentation (10)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Abstract Datta R, Sarkar D. Human health risk from exposure to soil arsenic: Does one size fit all? Geological Society of America Abstracts With Program 2004;36(5):332. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Abstract Khairom A, Sarkar D, Datta R. Bioavailability of arsenic and phosphorus in a sandy soil amended with water treatment residuals. Geological Society of America Abstracts With Program 2004;36(5):334. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Abstract Mohamed H, Therapong C, Andra S, Datta R, Sarkar D. Phytoavailability of arsenic in pesticide-applied soils: effect of chemical remediation. Eos Transactions AGU 2005;86(18), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract NB52A-04. R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Nagar R, Sarkar D, Datta R, Sharma S. Effect of solution properties on arsenic adsorption by drinking water treatment residuals. Eos Transactions AGU 2005;86(18), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract B33B-04. R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Nagar R, Sarkar D, Makris K, Datta R. Effects of solution properties on arsenic immobilization in drinking water treatment residuals-amended soils: incubation study. Agronomy Abstracts 2006. R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Nagar R, Sarkar D, Datta R, Makris K. Solution pH effects on arsenic removal by drinking water treatment residuals in presence of metals and ligands. Eos Transactions AGU 2006;87 Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract H33B-04. R830842 (2006)
    not available

    Nagar R, Sarkar D, Sharma S, Datta R. Potential phyto-availability of heavy metals as a function of soil properties in biosolids amended soils. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Volume 37, Number 7. Denver, CO: GSA Publications, 2005.

    R830842 (2005)
    not available
    Abstract Pachanoor DS, Datta R, Sarkar D, Therapong C. Antioxidant responses of monocot seedlings to arsenical pesticides. Agronomy Abstracts 2005. R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Pachanoor D, Punamiya P, Therapong C, Datta R, Sarkar D. Effect of arsenical pesticides on antioxidant enzymes in rice: a comparative greenhouse study using organic and inorganic arsenical pesticides. Agronomy Abstracts 2006. R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Quazi S, Sarkar D, Datta R, Sharma S. Greenhouse study on arsenic speciation and bioavailability in two pesticide-contaminated soils of Florida: preliminary results. Geological Society of America Abstracts With Program 2004;36(5):399. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Abstract Quazi S, Sarkar D, Khairom A, Datta R, Sharma S. Bioavailability of arsenic in arsenical pesticide-amended soils: preliminary greenhouse study. Eos Transactions AGU 2005;86(18), Jt. Assem. Suppl, Abstract B31A-02. R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Quazi S, Sarkar D, Sylvia V, Datta R. Correlation between an in-vitro method and an in-vivo method in assessing bioavailable arsenic in two pesticide-amended soils. Eos Transactions AGU 2006;87 Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract B31A-02. R830842 (2006)
    not available

    Quazi S, Sarkar D, Datta R, Sharma S. Consideration of arsenic bioavailability in human health risk assessment: preliminary greenhouse results. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Volume 37, Number 7. Denver, CO: GSA Publications, 2005

    R830842 (2005)
    not available
    Abstract Quispe MA, Datta R, Sarkar D, Sharma S. A greenhouse study on arsenic remediation potential of Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) as a function of soil physico-chemical properties. Eos Transactions AGU 2006;87 Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract B43A-19. R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Salazar J, Sarkar D, Datta R, Sharma S. Adsorption of roxarsone onto drinking water treatment residuals: preliminary studies. Eos Transactions AGU 2006;87 Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract H43C-29. R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Sarkar D, Parra-Noonan M, Datta R. Bioavailability of arsenic in cattle dipping vat site soils as a function of soil chemistry. Geological Society of America Abstracts With Program 2004;36(5):506. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Abstract Sharma S, Sarkar D, Datta R. Effect of soil properties on the geochemical speciation of arsenic in contaminated soils: a greenhouse study. Eos Transactions AGU 2005;86(18), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract B33B-06. R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Sharma S, Datta R, Sarkar D, Nagar R. Geochemical speciation and bioavailability of arsenic in chemically variant soils amended with sodium arsenite: a greenhouse study. Agronomy Abstracts 2006. R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Therapong C, Datta R, Sarkar D. Arsenic stress response in rice: comparison between organic and inorganic pesticides. Geological Society of America Abstracts With Program 2004;36(5):398. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Abstract Therapong C, Datta R, Sarkar D, Pachanoor D. Arsenic accumulation by Pteris vittata L. in two chemically variant soils treated with arsenical pesticides—greenhouse study. Eos Transactions AGU 2006;87 Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract B43A-18. R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Vandanapu V, Sarkar D, Datta R, Sharma S. Arsenic adsorption and desorption by water treatment residuals: preliminary results. Geological Society of America Abstracts With Program 2004;36(5):334. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Abstract Vandanapu V, Sarkar D, Datta R, Makris KC. Arsenic adsorption and desorption by drinking water treatment residuals: incubation studies. Eos Transactions AGU 2005;86(18), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract B33B-05. R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Abstract Vandanapu V, Sarkar D, Makris K, Datta R. Arsenic adsorption and desorption by drinking-water treatment residuals: an isotherm study. Agronomy Abstracts 2005. R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Book Chapter Datta R, Sarkar D, Mohamed H, Therapong C. Remediation of arsenical pesticide applied soils using water treatment residuals: preliminary greenhouse results. In: Sarkar D, Datta R, Hannigan R, eds. Concepts and Applications in Environmental Geochemistry, Developments in Environmental Science, Volume 5, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007. R830842 (2006)
  • Other: Elsevier URL
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  • Book Chapter Quazi S, Sarkar D, Datta R, Sharma S. A greenhouse study on soil-arsenic forms and their bioaccessibility in two chemically variant Florida soils amended with sodium arsenate pesticide: preliminary results. In: Sarkar D, Datta R, Hannigan R, eds. Concepts and Applications in Environmental Geochemistry, Developments in Environmental Science, Volume 5. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007, pp. 327-344. R830842 (2006)
  • Other: Elsevier URL
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  • Dissertation/Thesis

    Khairom A. Bioavailability of arsenic and phosphorus in water treatment residuals amended soils. M.S. Thesis. University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, 2005.

    R830842 (2005)
    not available

    Parra-Noonan M. Arsenic speciation and bioavailability in cattle dip vat site soils. M.S. Thesis. University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, 2004.

    R830842 (2005)
    not available

    Vandanapu V. Adsorption-desorption of arsenic in water treatment residuals. M.S. Thesis. University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, 2005.

    R830842 (2005)
    not available
    Journal Article Datta R, Sarkar D. Consideration of soil properties in assessment of human health risk from exposure to arsenic-enriched soils. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 2005;1(1):55-59. R830842 (2004)
    R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Datta R, Sarkar D, Sharma S, Sand K. Arsenic biogeochemistry and human health risk assessment in organo-arsenical pesticide-applied acidic and alkaline soils: an incubation study. Science of the Total Environment 2006;372(1):39-48. R830842 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
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  • Journal Article Makris KC, Sarkar D, Datta R. Aluminum-based drinking-water treatment residuals: a novel sorbent for perchlorate removal. Environmental Pollution 2006;140(1):9-12. R830842 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
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  • Journal Article Makris KC, Sarkar D, Datta R. Evaluating a drinking-water waste by-product as a novel sorbent for arsenic. Chemosphere 2006;64(5):730-741. R830842 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
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  • Journal Article Sarkar D, Parra-Noonan M, Datta R. Distribution of arsenic in chemically variant dipping vat site soils. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2004;73(5):838-845. R830842 (2004)
    R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Sarkar D, Datta R. Human health risks from arsenic in soils: does one model fit all? Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health: An International Journal 2004;59(7):337-341. R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Sarkar D, Datta R, Sharma S. Fate and bioavailability of arsenic in organo-arsenical pesticide-applied soils. Part-I: incubation study. Chemosphere 2005;60(2):188-195. R830842 (2004)
    R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
  • Full-text: Science Direct Full Text
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  • Abstract: Science Direct Abstract
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  • Journal Article Sarkar D, Makris KC, Datta R, Khairom A. Effects of remedial treatment on phosphorus availability in an arsenical pesticide contaminated soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2006;77(2):297-304. R830842 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: SpringerLink PDF
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  • Journal Article Sarkar D, Makris KC, Vandanapu V, Datta R. Arsenic immobilization in soils amended with drinking-water treatment residuals. Environmental Pollution 2007;146(2):414-419. R830842 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
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  • Presentation Datta R, Sarkar D. Human health risk from exposure to soil arsenic: Does one size fit all? Presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 7-10, 2004. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Presentation Khairom A, Sarkar D, Datta R. Bioavailability of arsenic and phosphorus in a sandy soil amended with water treatment residuals. Presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 7-10, 2004. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Presentation Nagar R, Sarkar D, Sharma S, Datta R. Potential phyto-availability of heavy metals as a function of soil properties in biosolids amended soils. Presented at the Geological Society of America, 2005 (Abstracts with Program). R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
    not available

    Pachanoor DS, Datta R, Sarkar D, Therapong C. Antioxidant responses of monocot seedlings to arsenical pesticides. Presented at the 2005 American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 6-10, 2005.

    R830842 (2005)
    not available
    Presentation Quazi S, Sarkar D, Datta R, Sharma S. Greenhouse study on arsenic speciation and bioavailability in two pesticide-contaminated soils of Florida: preliminary results. Presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 7-10, 2004. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Presentation Quazi S, Sarkar D, Datta R, Sharma S. Consideration of arsenic bioavailability in human health risk assessment: preliminary greenhouse results. Presented at the Geological Society of America, 2005 (Abstracts with Program). R830842 (2005)
    R830842 (2006)
    not available
    Presentation Sarkar D, Parra-Noonan M, Datta R. Bioavailability of arsenic in cattle dipping vat site soils as a function of soil chemistry. Presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 7-10, 2004. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Presentation Therapong C, Datta R, Sarkar D. Arsenic stress response in rice: comparison between organic and inorganic pesticides. Presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 7-10, 2004. R830842 (2004)
    not available
    Presentation Vandanapu V, Sarkar D, Datta R, Sharma S. Arsenic adsorption and desorption by water treatment residuals: preliminary results. Presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 7-10, 2004. R830842 (2004)
    not available

    Vandanapu V, Sarkar D, Makris K, Datta R. Arsenic adsorption and desorption by drinking-water treatment residuals: an isotherm study. Presented at the 2005 American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 6-10, 2005.

    R830842 (2005)
    not available

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