Project Partner:

U.S. EPA - Region 2

U.S. DOE - Brookhaven National Laboratory

New Jersey Department of Transportation - Office of Maritime Resources

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - NY District 

The Port Authority of NY & NJ

Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute

Montclair State University

Venice Port Authority (Italy)

Technology Development Firms

U.S. EPA - Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program

U.S. EPA - Great Lakes National Program Office

Contaminant Distribution in New York/New Jersey Harbor

Innovative Sediment Decontamination Technologies

Beneficial Use Product from Decontamination Technology

An Integrated Approach to Harbor Restoration

Over the past decade, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Region 2) under the Water Resources Development Act has led an innovative partnership to implement a multi-faceted program to improve the health of our urban estuaries.  This effort, known as the NY/NJ Harbor Sediment Decontamination Technologies Demonstration Program, has evolved to rely on the integration of several actions, including: the elimination of contaminant sources, environmental restoration stringent controls on aquatic disposal, and the use of decontamination technologies to produce environmentally acceptable beneficial use products.  A collaboration of federal, sate and local agencies, academic institutions, private industry and concerned citizens have contributed to the development of the program.


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Last Update: August 8,  2005