Recall Alert

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207

March 1, 2006
Alert #06-532

Infant Seats for Shopping Carts Recalled, Chalky Residue Could Cause Skin Irritation

The following product safety recall was voluntarily conducted by the firm in cooperation with the CPSC. Consumers should stop using the product immediately unless otherwise instructed.

Name of Product: Safe-Seat Plus Model Infant Seats for Shopping Carts

Units: About 4,000

Manufacturer: SSC Inc., of Fairfield, N.J.

Hazard: These seats can have a white chalky powder or residue on their surface. It is the UV Absorber that has separated from the seat due to a molding defect that affected some seats produced in one or more molding runs. This could cause skin irritation to children who come into contact with the residue.

Incidents/Injuries: None reported.

Description: Gray or red infant seats that are permanently attached to shopping carts in retail stores. "SAFE-SEAT +" is molded into the side of these seats. A metal tube around the frame of the seat attaches it to the shopping cart.

Sold by: SSC Inc. nationwide to grocery stores and other retail stores that provide shopping carts for consumer use. Units sold from June 2005 through December 2005.

Manufactured In: United States

Remedy: If your seats have a chalky white residue, remove them from consumer use immediately and call SSC Inc. to arrange for free replacement seats.

Consumer Contact: For more information, call SSC Inc., toll free at (800) 448-8945 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or contact us online at

Picture of Recalled Seat with Chalky residue

Picture of Recalled Seat