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Student's Resource Guide

Students - Grades 7 -12

US EPA Students Page - U.S. EPA Student Center - Environmental Concepts, Activities and Tips

For information locally, you may wish to contact your State Agency homepage in addition to the EPA. Here are State and Local Government Pages in Region 3.

Parents and Teachers should become familiar with the information contained in the following links before allowing children to visit a website.

Children's On-Line Privacy Protection ActExit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Regulations under the Children's On-Line Privacy Protection ActExit EPA Click for Disclaimer

If you're looking for other Model EE programs or reference material, the links below may be helpful to you. These links are provided as a service to visitors to the EPA Mid-Atlantic States Environmental Education Web site. The U.S. EPA is not necessarily associated with or responsible for the content of these sites.

Acid Rain / Air Quality / Biodiversity / Climate / Earth Science / Energy Conservation / Forests / General Assistance / Health / Oceanography / Pollution Prevention /Solid Waste / Water Quality / Watersheds / Wildlife

EPA Mid-Atlantic Region Home Page

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EE for Kids

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