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Environmental Awards

President's Environmental Youth Award (PEYA) PEYA Logo
The Office also manages the region's participation in the President's Environmental Youth Award, given to young people from grades kindergarten through twelfth for an outstanding project to promote local environmental awareness. The President's Environmental Youth Awards (PEYA) program is EPA's way of encouraging students enrolled in grades K-12 to participate in a community project that has a positive environmental impact. Young people can work individually or in groups; each project requires a responsible adult to act as a sponsor. EPA will prepare a certificate signed by the President for each participant. At the end of each project year (July 31), the applications received are reviewed to pick a regional winner and runners-up. The national award winners are selected by the Regional Offices and their recognition program is administered by EPA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Judging criteria for this review include: Environmental need and appropriateness, accomplishment of goals, long-term impact, extent of youth's initiative, involvement of others, soundness of approach, clarity of presentation, and innovation.

PEYA Application Form*
You can find an application form for the PEYA program here. Let us recognize you for your help in environmental protection.

For more information, please contact the PEYA Coordinator for Region 3, Betty Ringkamp, at (215) 814-5663 or E-Mail ringkamp.betty@epa.gov


The Brower Youth Awards, a program of Earth Island Institute, offers a $3000 cash prize to 6 environmental heroes between the ages of 13 and 22 each year. E-Mail: bya@earthisland.orgExit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Environmental Education Teacher Professional Development Awards Program: This program is conducted in partnership by the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the National Environmental Education and Training Foundation (NEETF).There will be one award per state, plus one each for each of six jurisdictions. Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

The Global 500 Youth Environmental Awards awarded by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). Contact:
Global 500 Youth Awards
Information and Public Affairs
United Nations Environmental Programme
P.O. Box 30552
Nairobi, Kenya

Sea World/Busch Gardens Environmental Excellence Awards honors school groups that develop projects that make lasting contributions to the environment.Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Windstar Youth Awards encourage and support individuals who are inspiring others to take responsibility for creating a brighter future. Contact:
Jan Dondek
Youth Award Jury Chairperson
The Windstar Foundation
2317 Snowmass Creek Road
Snowmass, CO 81654-9198
(303) 927-4777

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