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Non-EPA National Outreach Programs

The following information being linked to by the U.S.EPA Web site is provided as a service to visitors to the EPA Mid-Atlantic States Environmental Education Web site. The U.S. EPA is not associated with or responsible for the content of these sites.

Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (AEOE) - "dedicated to the education of children and to helping them increase their awareness and understanding of their natural environment."Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Campus Ecology: from the National Wildlife FederationExit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Corporation for National Service Senior CorpsExit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Environmental Alliance for Senior Involvement (EASI): It's mission is "to build, promote, and utilize the environmental ethic, expertise, and commitment of older persons to expand citizen involvement in protecting and caring for our environment for present and future generations."Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

EEOP: Environmental Education Outreach Program from Northern Arizona UniversityExit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Green Communities - EPA's Community-Based Environmental Protection Program.

The National School and Community Corps (NSCC), "an AmeriCorps
national service program, is a dynamic part of school restructuring, joining
national service with urban school reform. It brings a vision, activities,
services, and resources to schools and neighborhoods. NSCC members
enrich the school environment and extend the school day, week and year to benefit students, their parents, and the community as a whole."Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

National Service State Profiles from the Corporation for National Service- outreach programs in your state and community.Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

VINE: Volunteer-led Investigations of Neighborhood Ecology in which high-school students, parents and seniors receive training, then lead children in outdoor investigations, discoveries and discussions concerning their own urban environment.Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

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