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Public Information Center

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The Public Information Center (the "PIC") is located in the lobby of 1650 Arch Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - the home office of EPA's Mid-Atlantic States Region. The PIC's hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.

The PIC is open to the public and supplies free general environmental publications and educational materials to the citizens and schools in the mid-Atlantic region. The exhibits in the PIC vary from season to season and issue to issue. Visitors experience multimedia exhibits with access to environmental software in our Library. The public is always welcome! Special arrangements can be made for school groups. Note that all visitors are required to pass through security, including a metal detector. Visitors 16 years of age and older must show photo identification.

display of pond with plantsExhibits: The PIC has displays that provide valuable information about many environmental topics such as ecosystems, hazardous waste, radon, lead, wetlands, and habitat. In March and April 2004, we are welcoming spring and celebrating Earth Day with a pond, live flowers, and displays on landscaping to protect the environment and on invasive plant species. Our exhibit supports the efforts of EPA at the Philadelphia Flower Show (March 7 - 14). We will also be holding a special event during lunchtime on Earth Day, April 22 on the sidewalk outside our building. We will have costumed environmental mascots, music, bugs and other critters, and lots of informational handouts. If you are in the area of 17th and Arch Streets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Earth Day, stop by.

Programs: Arrangements may be made by environmental groups and schools to visit the PIC. The tour may include, if requested, a learning experience on any environmental topic of their choice presented by an EPA expert. Programs offered include pollution prevention, water quality, household hazards, wetlands and air quality. The presentation may include interactive materials including videos and other audiovisual experiences. An all-purpose room is in the process of being prepared so that younger students may include arts and crafts in their experience.

Publications: The PIC has a variety of government publications dealing with the environment. All of the publications are available free of charge. They cover a vast array of topics that are easily understandable for students and the general public. EPA publications are a great resource for teachers and students of all ages. Also available is K-12 Environmental Education and Interdisciplinary Curriculum.

Video Library: The PIC has an extensive environmental video library. The videos are available for individual or group viewing by appointment; Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. The PIC is not only available to make environmental information readily accessible to the public but also to provide training sessions and workshops for community members and leaders. If you are interested in viewing a video please contact the videos coordinator.

Action: If you require general information about our Center or if you would like to arrange a visit to the facility please call the general information number. If you would like to arrange for a speaker to attend a conference, fair or trade show, please call the Speakers Bureau. If you are interested in a tour of our PIC, or wish to arrange for a presentation on a specific environmental issue, please call the presentations coordinator.

DC, WV, VA, DE, and PA only.

General Information 215-814-5121
Videos and Presentations 215 814-5663

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