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Project Safe Neighborhoods - Essential Elements

There are four essential elements required for a vigorous and successful gun violence reduction strategy:

Partnerships: The United States Attorney is uniquely situated to bring together all law enforcement agencies in the Eastern District of Kentucky, the media, private businesses, community service organizations, schools colleges and state government to ensure a uniform and comprehensive approach to reduce gun violence. Project Safe Neighborhoods involves the coordination of all gun-related programs at the federal, state and local level within the district. The competing agendas that sometimes exist among law enforcement officials have given way to strategic partnerships focused on community safety.

Strategic Plan: Of vital importance to the success of any law enforcement partnership is the formation of a strategic plan to attack gun crime and violence. The U. S. Attorney's Office has formed a Project Safe Neighborhood Advisory Committee composed of leaders from all areas from across the state. Our strategic plan incorporates the following national priorities:

 • vigorous enforcement and prosecution of all gun crimes

• training for prosecutors, police and agents at the local, state and federal levels

Community Outreach: Community outreach and public awareness constitute essential components of any successful gun violence reduction plan. By conveying the priorities, message and results of this enhanced enforcement effort to the community, we can better shape the attitudes of law-abiding citizens and those who would otherwise believe they can violate our gun laws with impunity.

Accountability: Careful and consistent review of gun violence reduction efforts is necessary for an effective and proactive gun violence reduction strategy. This office will continually evaluate the problems we face and the efficacy of our response.