The Power of Information

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At EWG, our team of scientists, engineers, policy experts, lawyers and computer programmers pores over government data, legal documents, scientific studies and our own laboratory tests to expose threats to your health and the environment, and to find solutions. Our research brings to light unsettling facts that you have a right to know.

"An Inconvenient Truth" for toxic chemicals and health Teen Girls What You Need to Know About BPA Congress Poised To Cut Conservation Funds That Aided Farm Bill’s Passage Shop with EWG on Kid-Safe: Congress Takes on Chemicals Fire Retardants in Toddlers and Their Mothers Sunscreens  

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What's your personal body burden?

Take a step-by-step tour of your home to learn the toxic truth about how household products contribute to your body burden of industrial chemicals.
Learn how you can live a healthier, greener life in Sloan Bartnett's new book, Green Goes with Everything.