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Geotechnical Engineering


Checklist and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical
Reports and Preliminary Plans and Specifications

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Table of Contents

What is a Geotechnical Report?
Use of Review Checklists and Technical Guidelines
Geotechnical Report Review Checklists:
Section A - Site Investigation Information
Section B - Centerline Cuts and Embankments
Section C - Embankments Over Soft Ground
Section D - Landslide Corrections
Section E - Retaining Structures
Section F - Structure Foundations - Spread Footings
Section G - Structure Foundations - Driven Piles
Section H - Structure Foundations - Drilled Shafts
Section I - Ground Improvement Techniques
Section J - Material Sites
PS&E Review Checklists
Section A - General
Section B - Centerline Cuts and Embankments
Section C - Embankments Over Soft Ground
Section D - Landslide Corrections
Section E - Retaining Structures
Section F - Structure Foundations - Spread Footings
Section G - Structure Foundations - Driven Piles
Section H - Structure Foundations - Drilled Shafts
Section I - Ground Improvement Techniques
Section J - Material Sites
List of Tables
Table 1 - Project Review Guidelines
Table 2 - Guideline Minimum Boring, Sampling and Testing Criteria
Table 3 - Geotechnical Engineering Analysis Required for Embankments, Cut Slopes, Structure Foundations, and Retaining Walls
Table 4 - Correction of Soil and Rock Related Instabilities

Cover Page

Publication No. FHWA ED-88-053
August 1988
Revised February 2003

Geotechnical Logo: Four quadrants illustrating structural foundations, soil and rock instabilities, earth retaining systems, and ground modification techniques.

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration


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Silas Nichols
Office of Bridge Technology

This page last modified on 03/22/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration