CPSC Warns Of Hazards from Heaters and Fireplaces


U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207

December 10, 2004
Release # 05-067
CPSC Consumer Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contacts: Ken Giles, (301) 504-7052

CPSC Warns Of Hazards from Heaters and Fireplaces

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reminds consumers to follow safety precautions when purchasing and using electric or fuel-fired heaters and fireplaces. "Most of the deaths and injuries from heaters and fireplaces happen in the winter months," said CPSC Chairman Hal Stratton. "Every home needs working smoke alarms and a carbon monoxide alarm."

In a recent year, there were about 10,900 residential fires and about 190 deaths associated with portable or fixed space heaters. There were 15,500 fires and 40 deaths associated with fireplaces and chimneys. In addition, an average of about 85 people die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by heating systems, ranges/ovens and water heaters.

Heaters can cause fires if they are placed too close to flammable materials such as drapes, furniture or bedding. Fireplaces can cause fires if the chimney is cracked, blocked or coated with creosote, or if sparks and embers can reach flammable materials. Fuel-burning appliances can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if they are improperly installed, poorly maintained, have compromised venting systems, or are misused.

Heater safety tips:

Fireplace safety tips: Consumers who would like more information can view a free CPSC booklet, "What You Should Know about Space Heaters", or receive it by sending a postcard to "Space Heater Booklet," CPSC, Washington, DC 20207.