CPSC Warns of Dangers at Home in the Aftermath of Hurricane Ophelia


U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207

September 15, 2005
Release #05-273
CPSC Consumer Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: Patty Davis: (301) 504-7601

Safety Tips for Hurricane Victims
CPSC Warns of Dangers at Home in the Aftermath of Hurricane Ophelia

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns residents in the path of Hurricane Ophelia in North Carolina and nearby coastal communities to take special precautions.

"Based on our experience with Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast, people often use portable generators when their power is knocked out," said CPSC Chairman Hal Stratton. "But if you don't use them safely, you risk deadly carbon monoxide poisoning. NEVER use a generator inside the house or attached garage. Keep it a safe distance from your home. Don't take a chance."

Unofficial estimates indicate at least 11 deaths and numerous injuries have been attributed to carbon monoxide poisoning stemming from portable generators used in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast.

The Commission provided these important life-saving tips:

Wet Carpets and Furniture Are Dangerous to your Health

Avoid Electrical and Gas Hazards

Dangers to Children