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Annual Results - FY2004

FY2004 Annual Results Topics

In fiscal year 2004, EPA enforcement activities resulted in legal commitments by companies, governments and other regulated entities to reduce, treat or properly manage approximately 1 billion pounds of pollution. FY2004 is the second-highest year on record for EPA pollution reduction results. These are conservative estimates of the reductions that will be achieved for one year when the facilities that have entered into legally enforceable agreements with EPA have met all their obligations under the agreements. Since the facilities will continue to operate for many years after coming into compliance, the pollution reductions will be repeated annually.

FY2004 was a record year for EPA in injunctive relief--$4.8 billion, which is the amount of money committed by violators to correct violations, restore the environment and prevent future harm to human health and the environment.

Some other environmental benefits gained in FY2004 are:

Supplemental environmental projects (SEPs) increased 42 percent over the last year to 213, valued at $48 million SEPs are environmentally beneficial projects that a violator voluntarily agrees to perform as part of an enforcement settlement. In FY2004, 26 of these projects were specifically designed to promote environmental justice.

EPA charged 293 defendants with environmental crimes in FY2004.

EPA helped more than 730,000 businesses and individuals comply with environmental requirements.

Inspections, civil investigations and facilities self-disclosing violations increased in FY2004.

Press Release
Results (16pp, 371kb,About PDF) — Charts and graphs
Numbers at a Glance — Fact sheet on annual results
Five-Year Trends (3pp, 207kb,About PDF) — Charts tracking key results for five years
Civil Enforcement Highlights — Brief summaries of major civil cases and activities
Criminal Enforcement Highlights — Brief summaries of criminal major cases and activities
Compliance Assistance Activities Highlights — Brief summaries of major assistance activities

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Annual Results by Fiscal Year:
FY2007 |FY2006 | FY2005 | FY2004 | FY2003 | FY2002 | FY2001 | FY2000 | FY1999


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