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HHS Broadcast News Service


This is FDA Commissioner Les Crawford with an important message on medication safety for people in the area hit by Hurricane Katrina.

Drugs that have been exposed to flood or unsafe municipal water may become contaminated. This contamination may lead to diseases that can cause serious health effects.

Ideally, these exposed products � even in their original containers � should be discarded. But in many situations, these drugs may be lifesaving and replacements may not be readily available. For life-saving drugs, if the container is contaminated but the contents appear unaffected � for instance, if the pills are dry -- the pills may be used until they can be replaced. If they are wet, they are contaminated and should be discarded.

If a contaminated product is medically necessary and can�t be replaced quickly, contact a healthcare provider � for example, the Red Cross, a hospital, or an emergency medical facility � for guidance.

I�m FDA Commissioner Les Crawford. This message is brought to you by the FDA and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

MP3 File 1 = 473 KB

Last revised: September 5, 2005


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