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Department of Commerce

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Secretary's Speech



Friday, July 27, 2007


Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez
National Medal of Technology Reception
Washington, D.C.

Robert Cresanti, thank you, and welcome everyone.

Congratulations to all of the 2005 and 2006 National Medal of Technology Laureates and their families. You should be proud of your achievements and your success in applying technology to the benefit of our great nation.

I’d also like to welcome this year’s Intel Science Talent Search Finalists. They represent the younger generation of innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs. I am sure they will join the prestigious ranks of today’s Laureates in the coming years.

Today we pay tribute to these leaders who have helped keep America on the cutting edge of technological innovation.

Selecting recipients for this Presidential recognition was no easy task. I’d like to thank everyone involved in the process.

Your contribution matters a great deal to the integrity of this process.

Each of you should be proud of your accomplishments and contributions—your genius is what turns big ideas into useful products, processes and services.

There are many ways the Commerce Department is strengthening our ability to stay competitive and promote innovation. For example:

  • We play an important role in the President’s American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI). The ACI commits $136 billion over 10 years to increase investment in R&D, strengthen education and encourage innovation.
  • NIST, another bureau at Commerce, conducts much of this innovative research.
  • The Department’s Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy Committee is helping develop metrics to correctly measure American ingenuity, which we know contributes to our advances in productivity and our high standard of living.
  • Recently, the Patent and Trademark Office launched a three-year ad campaign, in collaboration with the Ad Council and the National Inventors Hall of Fame, to inspire kids to invent and innovate, which Under Secretary Dudas will discuss in more detail.

Technology plays a critical role in our nation’s economic strength and high standard of living. And innovators have done everything from improving the health of our citizens to keeping our nation more secure; they have inspired future generations of American inventors, discoverers, teachers and innovators.

As I look through the citations of our distinguished Laureates, I’m amazed not only by the scope of the research you have accomplished, but also by the tremendous impact you are having on our economy, our communities, and our people.

Thank you for doing what you do. It is your entrepreneurial spirit and competitive drive that keep our economic engine moving. Thank you.