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Prisoners at Midyear 1995

The number of persons in State and Federal prisons grew almost 90,000 during the 12 months before June 30, 1995, when the total inmate population reached 1,104,074. During the first half of the year prisons added the equivalent to the first half of the year prisons added the equivalent to more than 1,900 inmates a week. The press release and accompanying tables and graphs present State-by-State totals and incarceration rates. The numbers of black or white women and men who are incarcerated, usually serving a sentence of more than a year, are also estimated. 12/95. NCJ 158021

This report is one in a series. More recent editions may be available. To view a list of all in the series go to the publications page.

Press release | Acrobat file (59K)
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U.S. Department of Justice
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