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Jails in Indian Country, 2001

Presents findings from the 2001 Survey of Jails in Indian Country, an enumeration of all 68 confinement facilities, detention centers, jails, and other facilities operated by tribal authorities or the Bureau of Indian Affairs. BJS conducted the survey on June 29th as part of the Annual Survey of Jails. The report presents data for each facility, including rated capacity, number of adults and juveniles held, number of persons under community supervision, peak population during June, number of admissions in the last 30 days, inmate characteristics (such as conviction status, DWI/DUI offense, and seriousness of offense), number of inmate deaths, facility crowding, and renovation and building plans. Release is planned in conjunction with the National Institute of Corrections, Indian Country Jail Administrators Network meeting on May 7, 2002.

Highlights include the following:

  • 68 facilities were operating in Indian country, with the capacity to hold 2,101 persons on June 29, 2001
  • 16 jails in Indian country funded to undergo expansion, replacement, or renovation.
  • In a 1-month period, June 2001, facilities in Indian country admitted 9,697 inmates, a 36% increase from June 2000.
05/02 NCJ 193400

This report is one in a series. More recent editions may be available. To view a list of all in the series go to the publications page.

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Page last revised on May 9, 2002