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Federal Criminal Case Processing, 1998:
With Trends 1982-98, Reconciled Data

Presents "reconciled" Federal criminal case processing statistics for fiscal year 1998. This is the first in an annual series and it provides statistics that describe defendants processed at different stages of the Federal criminal justice system for the 12-month period ending September 30, 1998. This report was prepared using the methodology adopted by the Interagency Working Group on Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics. The methodology adopted by the working group minimizes the differences in the agencies' data that result from varying methods of collecting case processing data. This report was included in a memorandum dated August 10, 1999, updating you on the activities of the working group. 9/99 NCJ 169277

This report is one in a series. More recent editions may be available. To view a list of all in the series go to the publications page.

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Page last revised on September 21, 1999