ENERGY STAR Challenge Participant Story

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Date Joined: March 14, 2005

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) is committed to bringing the benefits of energy efficiency to its colleges, universities, K-12 schools, local governments, state agencies, and more. To support EPA's ENERGY STAR Challenge, Pennsylvania will:

  • Promote EPA's national energy performance rating system as one of the preferred ways state entities can meet a number of the requirements specified in Executive Order 2004-12, including creating energy profiles, identifying the best energy efficiency investments, and tracking energy performance over time;
  • Train DEP staff to use ENERGY STAR tools to help schools and governments measure their energy use and identify buildings that offer the greatest opportunity for improvement; and
  • Recognize, in partnership with EPA, organizations that demonstrate energy efficiency improvements of 10 percent or more.

Contact Information:
Mark Hand
717-787-9377 (phone) (email)