ENERGY STAR Challenge Participant Story

California State Teachers' Retirement System (calSTRS)
Sacramento, California
Date Joined: March 14, 2005

CalSTRS has called on all of its real estate investment managers to improve the energy efficiency of their properties and to demonstrate that improvement. Recent guidance adopted by CalSTRS requires investment managers to:

  • Measure the energy efficiency of all properties using EPA's national energy performance rating system;
  • Record all ratings of 75 or higher and seek approval to apply for the ENERGY STAR;
  • Monitor energy performance ratings on an ongoing basis; and
  • Review building systems and components in all properties with ratings below 75, and identify and implement cost-effective investments to improve the energy efficiency of properties that rate below 75.

CalSTRS also requires property managers to educate tenants, building security staffs and janitorial service providers about the importance of energy management and curtailing after-hours energy use.

CalSTRS is the largest teachers' retirement fund in the United States. As of June 2004, CalSTRS had $5.5 billion invested in 43 million square feet of investment property. The pension fund's primary responsibility is to provide retirement related benefits and services to teachers in public schools from kindergarten through community college throughout California. Through investments in real estate, as well as other financial instruments, CalSTRS generates revenues to provide benefits to its annuitants.

Contact Information:
Michael Thompson
916-229-3832 (phone) (email)