GSS 94

Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering: Fall 1994

Supplemental Tables

Data for Fall 1994 have not been published in hard copy by NSF but are available on the World Wide Web.

To obtain accurate historical data, use only the latest tables for Fall 1994 and not data published earlier. Institutions revise prior-years' datawhen important changes occur in reporting practices and program classifications,and only the latest tables incorporate such changes.

  1. Trends in Graduate Enrollment, 1975-94
  2. Enrollment (Full-time/Part-time)
  3. Source of Support
  4. Mechanism of Support
  5. Sex
  6. First Year
  7. Citizenship
  8. Racial/Ethnic Background
  9. Institutional Highest Degree Granted
  10. Type of Institutional Control
  11. Geographic Distribution
  12. Individual Institution Listings
  13. Postdoctoral Appointees and Other Nonfaculty Research Staff
  14. Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  15. Land-grant Institutions
  16. Medical Schools
  17. Students in the Sciences
  18. Students in Engineering
  19. Department Populations and Response Rates

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