GSS 94

Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering: Fall 1994

Selected Data

Data for Fall 1994 have not been published in hard copy by NSF but are available on the World Wide Web.

To obtain accurate historical data, use only the latest tables forFall 1994 and not data published earlier. Institutions revise prior-years' datawhen important changes occur in reporting practices and program classifications,and only the latest tables incorporate such changes.
These tables are in two formats:
spreadsheet file - spreadsheet and
text file - plain text (*.txt)
Click on the appropriate icon to view the table. You can download the tables in spreadsheet format with your browser and open them with a spreadsheet application. Please see the section on configuring your browser to open spreadsheet files for more information.


  1. spreadsheet file Text file Total enrollment in all institutions of higher education, by level of enrollment and field: 1975-94

  2. spreadsheet file Text file Graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields, by field and enrollment status, in all institutions according to highest degree granted: 1994

  3. spreadsheet file Text file Graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in all institutions, by field and citizenship, and by racial/ethnic background of U.S. citizens: 1994

  4. spreadsheet file Text file Full-time graduate students in science and engineering fields, by source and type of major support, in all institutions according to highest degree granted: 1994

  5. spreadsheet file Text file Male graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in all institutions, by field and citizenship, and by racial/ethnic background of U.S. citizens: 1994

  6. spreadsheet file Text file Female graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in all institutions, by field and citizenship, and by racial/ethnic background of U.S. citizens: 1994

  7. WKS
file Text file Graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in all institutions, by enrollment status and field: 1975-94

  8. spreadsheet file Text file Graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in all institutions, by field: 1987-94

  9. spreadsheet file Text file Graduate students in science and engineering fields in all institutions, by enrollment status, citizenship, and by racial/ethnic background of U.S. citizens: 1987-94

  10. spreadsheet file Text file Male graduate students in science, engineering and health fields in all institutions, by field: 1987-94

  11. spreadsheet file Text file Female graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in all institutions, by field: 1987-94

  12. spreadsheet file Text file Graduate students in science and engineering fields in all institutions, by geographic distribution: 1987-94

  13. spreadsheet file Text file Full-time graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in all institutions, by field and source of major support: 1987-94

  14. spreadsheet file Text file Full-time graduate students in science and engineering fields in all institutions, by type and source of major support: 1987-94

  15. spreadsheet file Text file Full-time graduate science, engineering, and health students with U.S. citizenship in all institutions, by field: 1987-94

  16. spreadsheet file Text file Full-time graduate science, engineering, and health students without U.S. citizenship in all institutions, by field: 1987-94

  17. spreadsheet file Text file Part-time graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in all institutions, by field: 1987-94

  18. spreadsheet file Text file Graduate students in science, engineering and health fields in doctorate-granting institutions, by field: 1987-94

  19. spreadsheet file Text file Graduate students science and engineering fields in doctorate-granting institutions, by geographic distribution: 1987-94

  20. spreadsheet file Text file Full-time graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in doctorate-granting institutions, by field: 1987-94

  21. spreadsheet file Text file Part-time graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in doctorate-granting institutions, by field: 1987-94

  22. spreadsheet file Text file Graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in master's-granting institutions, by field: 1987-94

  23. spreadsheet file Text file Full-time graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in master's-granting institutions, by field: 1987-94

  24. spreadsheet file Text file Part-time graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in master's-granting institutions, by field: 1987-94

  25. spreadsheet file Text file Graduate students in the science, engineering, and health fields in all institutions, by geographic division, state, institution, and area of study: 1994

  26. spreadsheet file Text 
file Graduate students in science and engineering fields in doctorate-granting institutions, ranked by 1994 total graduate science and engineering students: 1987-94

  27. spreadsheet file Text file Science, engineering, and health postdoctoral appointees in doctorate-granting institutions, by field, source of support, and number of postdoctoral appointees who were non-U.S. citizens: 1994

  28. spreadsheet file Text file Science, engineering, and health postdoctoral appointees in doctorate-granting institutions, by field: 1987-94