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Compliance Assistance Internet Sites for Colleges & Universities

Academic Environmental Safety and Health OrganizationsExit EPA

SUNY Environmental Health and Safety Association
An organization of State University of New York (SUNY) environmental personnel formed to develop, collect and disseminate information about Environmental Health and Safety for the benefit of the University community.

National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education
Following passage of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency placed pollution prevention (P2) at the top of its waste-reduction hierarchy. The U.S. EPA created the National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education (NPPC) in 1991 to collect, develop, and disseminate educational materials on pollution prevention; the University of Michigan was selected as the site. The NPPC represents a collaborative effort between business and industry, government, non-profit organizations, and academia. The mission of the NPPC is to:

In addition to developing educational materials and conducting research, the NPPC also offers an internship program, professional education and training, and conferences.

Campus Safety Health and Environmental Management Association
The Campus Safety Health and Environmental Management Association, formerly known as the Campus Safety Association, was founded to address the unique safety challenges that are found on a college or university campus setting related to safety, environmental health, fire prevention, emergency planning and hazard control.

College Health and Environmental Safety Society (no web page currently available)

Mr. Norman Van Houten, Ph.D., President
Address: College Health and Environmental Safety Society, NJIT, University Heights, Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: 973-596-3059
Email: safetydirector@yahoo.com

Pollution Prevention Consortium of New England Universities
The Pollution Prevention Consortium of New England Universities (P2 Consortium) is a network of faculty and academic researchers dedicated to facilitating collaborative pollution prevention education, curriculum development and research in New England. The P2 Consortium is managed by the Northeast Waste Management Official's Association (NEWMOA) and supported by dues from member institutions and pollution prevention grants.

College and University Recycling Council
The College and University Recycling Council (CURC), a technical council of the National Recycling Coalition (NRC), has a membership of approximately 150 college and university based waste management officials. The mission of the CURC is to facilitate information exchange between institutions of higher education regarding integrated waste management practices by providing technical training, making information about institutional recycling operations and methods easily accessible, and by creating linkages with academic resources.

Laboratory Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention - A Guide for Teachers
This guide was developed by the Battelle Seattle Research Center to explain how one can minimize the hazardous wastes and other byproducts of classroom laboratory experimentation. It is intended for middle school, high school, and college science instructors.

EPA Policy and Guidance

Audit Policy Information
The U.S. EPA Audit Policy, "Incentives for Self-Policing: Discovery, Disclosure, Correction and Prevention of Violations," has several important goals including encouraging greater compliance with the laws and regulations which protect human health and the environment through self-policing, discovery, disclosure, correction and prevention. If certain criteria are met, reductions in gravity-based penalties of up to 75% (100% in some cases) resulting from EPA enforcement of violations discovered and disclosed by your institution under the Audit Policy are possible. The Audit Policy, along with some interpretive guidance, is also available online.

Environmental Management Systems
This is EPA Region 2's main page for policies and materials about environmental management systems (EMS). EMSs are used by companies and other entities to focus on environmental performance and compliance, and also source reductions and system performance.

Design for the Environment Program's EMS Tools
This web page contains provides information on incorporating Design for the Environment (DfE) principles and tools into your EMS program. The DfE program helps business to incorporate environmental considerations into the design and redesign of products, processes, and technical and management systems

Environmental Management Guide for Small Laboratories
EPA recognizes the unique environmental challenges associated with small lab operations and has developed a document titled, "Environmental Management Guide for Small Laboratories." The Guide offers the following:

Managing Your Hazardous Waste: A Guide for Small Businesses (This is an update of the 1996 version of the manual below)

Understanding the Hazardous Waste Rules: A Handbook for Small Businesses--1996 Update

This user-friendly manual is targeted to small quantity generators of hazardous wastes. The manual helps small businesses determine whether they generate hazardous waste and provides comprehensive information on how to comply with the federal hazardous waste regulations for small quantity generators. It explains how to obtain an EPA identification number, manage hazardous waste on site, ship hazardous waste off site, comply with land disposal restrictions, and conduct good housekeeping. This is an update of the 1986 version of the manual.

Environmental Compliance Audit Protocols
U.S. EPA is developing audit protocols that provide summaries of the applicable statutes and regulatory requirements, and checklists to guide environmental auditors through the auditing process. EPA is producing a series of separate protocol booklets to cover the major functional areas at facilities. These protocols are optional guidelines and are helpful, but not necessary to perform an environmental audit. Ten protocols are currently available:

Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications
This catalog lists hazardous and solid waste documents released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Solid Waste (OSW). This is a select list of publications that are frequently requested and is not a comprehensive list of all documents available. Publications may be viewed online or ordered online for mail delivery.

EPA Regional Sites

EPA New England's College and University Home Page
This web page was specifically created for colleges and universities in New England (CT, MA, ME, NH, VT, RI) to ensure a central location and easy accessibility for all environmental information. This site can be searched for information tailored to assistance needs, whether it is basic regulatory compliance, best management practices or sustainability.

Region 2's Pollution Prevention (R2P2) Site
U.S. EPA Region 2's (NJ, NY, PR, VI) Compliance Assistance Branch has developed a pollution prevention information resource center. The site currently links to a considerable amount of information of interest to the regulated university and college community. Region 2 will post new information at this site as it becomes available.

EPA Region 3's Information Sources for Colleges and Universities
A clearing house for regional and national compliance assistance material developed by EPA Region 3's Office of Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justice, which has been conducting a program in the mid-Atlantic region (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV) to promote awareness of and compliance with environmental regulations among colleges and universities.

EPA Hotlines and Training Tools

U.S. EPA has established telephone hotlines to assist or educate citizens and the regulated community in a variety of areas. Hotlines include:

Compliance Assistance Centers
The Office of Compliance, in partnership with industry, academic institutions, environmental groups, and other federal and state agencies, has established "virtual" (telecommunications-based) national Compliance Assistance Centers for specific industry sectors heavily populated with small businesses and entities that face substantial federal regulation. Compliance Assistance Internet Sites for Colleges & Universities

RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Hotline Training Modules
The RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Hotline develops modules as training tools for Hotline Information Specialists. Each module provides a general overview of a specific regulatory topic and contains an introduction, regulatory summary, and a regulatory developments section. These modules are useful resources for people wishing to gain a general understanding of Hotline program areas. However, the modules are not comprehensive sources of information on the regulations. For specific questions, please consult the Code of Federal Regulations, the Federal Register, or call the Hotline. Available modules:

ENERGY STAR Buildings Partnership
The ENERGY STAR Buildings Partnership is a comprehensive energy-efficiency program for commercial and industrial buildings. The Partnership focuses on reducing waste and improving building performance by using high-efficiency energy technologies.

State Organizations Exit EPA

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's Pollution Prevention Publications
A number of downloadable small business publications and other reports that provide useful information on pollution prevention including:

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Compliance and Enforcement Program
NJDEP's Compliance and Enforcement Program provides compliance assistance tools, regulatory summaries, and links to sources of compliance and pollution prevention information.

Auditing and Standards Organizations

International Organization for Standardization
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 130 countries, one from each country. ISO's work results in international agreements which are published as International Standards, including The ISO 14000 series, which provides a framework for responsible environmental management.

American National Standards Institute
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) serves as administrator and coordinator of the United States private sector voluntary standardization system, including implementation guidelines for ISO 14001 standards for environmental management systems, as well as a diverse collection of environmentally protective design, operation, maintenance, and performance standards. ANSI is a private, nonprofit membership organization supported by a diverse constituency of private and public sector organizations.

Environmental, Health & Safety Roundtable
The Environmental, Health & Safety Auditing Roundtable (EAR) is a professional organization dedicated to the development and professional practice of environmental, health, and safety (EHS) auditing.

The Board of Environmental,Health and Safety Auditor Certifications
The Board of Environmental, Health & Safety Auditor Certifications (BEAC), an independent non-profit corporation, was created by the Environmental Auditing Roundtable (EAR) and the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) to issue certifications relating to environmental auditing and other scientific fields.

Registrar Accreditation Board
The Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB) operates accreditation programs for ISO 9000 and ISO 14001 registrars and auditor training course providers through the ANSI-RAB National Accreditation Program. RAB independently operates certification programs for quality and environmental management systems auditors.

The Institute of Internal Auditors
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) provides certification, education, research, and technological guidance for internal auditors. The Institute serves as a watchdog and resource on significant auditing issues around the globe.

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