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Freshwater Biology Team, Wheeling, West Virginia

The Freshwater Biology Lab, Wheeling, West Virginia

Our Boats

The Association of Mid-Atlantic Aquatic Biologists Exit EPA Click for Disclaimersponsors an annual meeting, hosted by a different state each year. The board of this association includes representatives from EPA and our mid-Atlantic states.

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Our History

The Public Health Service opened an Upper Ohio River Basin office in Wheeling in February 1963. The office conducted comprehensive studies of watersheds incorporating chemical, biological and engineering evaluations. Another federal project was soon opened at this site, to locate and sample all coal mines in the Monongahela River basin. Similar coal mine inventories were conducted in Ohio and Pennsylvania with field crews consisting of state and federal employees. When EPA was formed in 1970, the entire staff at Wheeling became part of that new program.

What We Do

The Freshwater Biology Team is in the Office of Monitoring and Assessment. Our mission is to provide technical expertise, field and laboratory support in the areas of bioassessment and biocriteria. We provide support to EPA programs, other federal agencies, state programs, river basin commissions, and citizens groups by doing:

Freshwater Biology Team using electroshocking for fish sampling

In addition, there are a number of EPA staff working out of the Wheeling Office that represent a microcosm of the Regional Office in Philadelphia. Those folks work in air protection, water protection, hazardous site cleanup and waste management and as intergovernmental liaisons and inspectors.


Maggie Passmore (passmore.margaret@epa.gov)
Team Leader
Freshwater Biology Team
Office of Monitoring and Assessment (3EA50)
Environmental Assessment and Innovation Division
US Environmental Protection Agency
1060 Chapline Street, Suite 303
Wheeling, WV 26003-2995
Fax 304-234-0260

Mid-Atlantic Region || Mid-Atlantic Env'l Assessment & Innovation

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