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Business Assistance Center  We Mean Green Business


Additional Mid-Atlantic Information
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The EPA Mid-Atlantic Business Assistance Center (BAC) understands that most business owners want to be responsible environmental citizens. However, businesses may have difficulty dealing with the myriad of environmental regulations that affect their operations. As a non-regulatory office, the BAC offers convenient answers to help businesses understand regulatory requirements, explore new options, and improve competitiveness.

The BAC serves as a small business liaison, offering compliance assistance, promoting pollution prevention, and encouraging the development of innovative environmental technologies. The following services are free to small and medium-sized businesses in the EPA Mid-Atlantic Region:

Compliance Assistance: Provides regulatory and technical assistance in response to inquiries from the small business community, and helps provide training to groups of small businesses.

Small Business Liaison: Serves as a liaison for small businesses. Provides a convenient central access point for their interactions with the Agency. Center staff cooperate with business related trade and professional associations and service providers as well as state and local government small business programs.

Pollution Prevention: Promotes cost-saving pollution prevention among small businesses, and recruits participation in EPA's partnership programs such as Energy Star.

Environmental Technology Development: Encourages innovative environmental technologies developed by small firms. The Center offers training and links to marketing resources as well as federal research, development and verification facilities.

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