Colorado Springs School District 11:

Step 7 - Recognize Achievements

Partner Profile

Colorado Springs School District 11 has assessed the energy performance of more than 90 percent of its 61 schools, undertaken improvements, and elevated the average rating across the portfolio of schools by 10 points. District 11's success reflects a strong energy management program built on the commitment of the superintendent, board of education, and a full-time coordinator, as well as incentive awards for individual schools.

Major projects have included a focus on preventive
maintenance, holiday shutdowns, awareness campaigns and retrocommissioning. As of the end of 2004, District 11 has achieved total energy cost savings of almost $4 million.

Colorado Springs School District 11 joined ENERGY STAR in

K-12 Education Partner Since 2003

Awards & Recognition

  • Partner of the Year 2005

« See all Colorado Springs School District 11 In Practice Stories

Colorado Springs School District 11

Contact Information:
Colorado Springs School District 11
School District 11
Colorado Springs, CO 80915

In Practice

7: Recognize Achievements

See this Guideline Step

Cash incentives create a "win-win"

In 1999, Colorado School District #11 developed a Resource Conservation Management (RCM) program to alter its approach to energy management from one of just paying the bills, to actively working to reduce costs. The program represented a major shift in thinking and required a creative approach for meaningful participation.

The school district's solution was a cash incentive award program. Twice per year, the district awards cash incentives to schools based on its student population and measured energy savings. Building managers have embraced the program and come to rely on the incentive awards for a substantial portion of their annual budget. The schools have developed educational programs such as the "Lights Out Campaign" to raise awareness among teachers, students and staff about conserving energy.

In 2004, the RCM Program saved the school district almost $800,000 and awarded $329,000 back to schools for their participation. The 2004 savings are equivalent to the salaries of 27 additional entry-level teachers.

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