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November 9, 2008    DOL Home > ILAB   

Administrative or Judicial Complaint Mechanism (B-8, B-9)

Information on the national administrative or judicial complaint system and its ability to enforce and promote compliance with standards relating to acceptable conditions of work, including:
B-8. an administrative or judicial complaint mechanism;
B-9. effectiveness of the complaint mechanism (in such terms as number of complaints brought compared with number of complaints heard, number of prosecutions, fines, or arrests, and length of time for complaint resolution).
National Research Council (2004), Chapter 8

The committee proposes the following minimum, tractable, easily identifiable, and comparable list of indicators of acceptable conditions of work:
• a mechanism exists to establish minimum wages (based on ILO Convention No. 26);
• the regular workweek is 48 hours or less (based on ILO Conventions No. 1, 30, 47 and on widespread national law);
• the nation has and enforces a law providing for a specified number of paid holidays each year for covered workers (based on ILO Conventions 52, 101, 132);
• all workers in covered jobs receive a full day of rest every 7 days (this expands ILO Convention No. 14, which applies only to industrial workers); and
• there is a mechanism for setting health and safety standards (ILO Convention No. 155).
The committee recognizes that, unless a large share of the labor force is covered by these provisions, compliance with them might not improve the welfare of all workers to a significant extent.  The committee also recognizes that it would be possible to supplement this list with additional indicators.
National Research Council (2004), Chapter 8.

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