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Questions and Answers

What are dynamic field activities?

Dynamic field activities are hazardous waste site assessment, characterization, and remediation activities that combine on-site data generation with on-site decision making. It is an iterative field work process that is designed to reduce the number of mobilizations necessary to reach a site decision. Because of its flexible approach to data collection, it is applicable throughout the Superfund response process.

The process requires the use of "dynamic" work planning which allows adjustments to be made in the field as site conditions and new information dictate. It also emphasizes the importance of having experienced technical personnel on-site and the use of field-based analytical methods as the primary source of data used in decision-making. Dynamic field activities have the potential to significantly reduce the time and cost of field activities while also increasing the quality of site decisions.


What are some advantages to this process?


What are some limitations of dynamic field activities?


Are there any documented benefits to conducting dynamic field activities?

Dynamic field activities have been used at a number of Superfund sites where they have demonstrated significant time and cost savings. Between July 1995 and June 1996, dynamic field activities were conducted at a 1600 acre Marine Corps Air Station in Tustin, California.

The field work at this site entailed:

All of these investigations were completed in a single mobilization using on-site decision-making based on data provided with field-based analytical methods. An evaluation of the activities at one of the remedial investigation/feasibility study locations demonstrated that this process:


Can project managers use the process now?

Dynamic field activities have been used at a number of Superfund sites for many years. The concept is not new and it does not conflict with either existing guidance or regulations. This Web site and the guidance under development are designed to make the implementation of dynamic field activities more effective. Project managers can use this existing information as well as expertise from their Regions, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and contractors to develop and manage dynamic field activities right now. Interested USEPA staff should review these resources and consult their QA officers for assistance.


How do dynamic field activities affect community relations?

Dynamic field activities have a positive impact on community relations because this process allows communities to witness rapid, decisive, defensible actions being taken at their sites. However, the process requires that communities be involved with the up front planning activities because of the need to make quick decisions once the field work begins. With the aide of modern information technologies, dynamic field activities can allow communities to witness site conceptual models evolve with new data and be involved with decision making at key points in the process.


How do established fixed laboratory methods relate to the dynamic field activity process?

Dynamic field activities do not exclude the use of established analytical methods, like the Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) or SW-846, rather it builds on what we know about them while fully integrating innovative technologies. For instance, fixed laboratory methods can help dynamic field activities meet project objectives in at least three ways:



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