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Decision Support Software

Dynamic field activities often rely on decision support software because large quantities of data must be analyzed and evaluated in a short period of time. The software allows project members to select sampling points, visualize site data in an up-to-date conceptual site model, and generate reports. They can greatly decrease the time required for data processing and facilitating rapid decision making.

U.S. EPA Fully Integrated Environmental Decision Support (FIELDS)

U.S. EPA Region 5 developed this system which combines geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), database analysis, and imaging technologies to identify, assess, communicate, and help solve environmental problems.
Spatial Analysis Decision Assistance (SADA)

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, with support from EPA and DOE, and in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has developed a software program that integrates visualization, geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, human health risk assessment, cost-effective analysis, sampling design, and decision analysis.
U.S. DOE Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Visual Sampling Plan software Exit EPA

VSP provides statistical solutions to sampling design to help users decide where samples should be collected and how many are needed.
U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Environmental Sciences Division

Order decision support software developed by U.S. EPA's Office of Research and Development.
  • DEFT: Data Quality Objectives Decision Error Feasibility Trials
    A program that allows users to evaluate the financial feasibility of incorporating selected data quality objective (DQO) constrains into a statistical sampling design before developing a final plan. The user can test the proposed constraints on several simple sampling designs (e.g., simple random sampling, composite sampling, stratified sampling).

  • Geo-EAS: Geostatistical Environmental Assessment Software
    A collection of interactive software tools for performing two-dimensional geostatistical analyses of spatially distributed data. Geo-EAS can produce data maps, univariate statistics, scatter plots/linear regression, and variogram computation and model fitting.
U.S. EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program: Environmental Decision Support Software
  • C Tech Development Corporation - Environmental Visualization System Pro

  • Decision FX – SamplingFX

  • Decision FX – GroundwaterFX

  • Environmental Software – SitePro Version 3.0

  • Environmental Systems Research Institute – ArcView GIS Version 3.1

  • University of Tennessee Research Corporation – Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA)
OnSite On-line LNAPL Calculator

OnSite, developed by EPA's Athens laboratory, provides a number of easy to use modeling software programs that can help investigators calculate the fate and transport of LNAPLs.


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