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Financing for Environmental Compliance
Water Publications

EPA has published multiple resources to assist municipal officials as they develop a financing plan to remain in or return to compliance. Below are selected links to EPA water publications.

EPA Guidebook of Financial Tools
This document contains 340 tools for governments and the private sector to use to pay for environmental programs, systems and activities. Sections include traditional means of raising revenue, borrowing capital, enhancing credit, creating public-private partnerships, and ways of providing technical assistance, ways of lowering the costs of compliance, encouraging pollution prevention, paying for community-based environmental protection, financing brownfields redevelopment, and improving access to capital for small businesses and the environmental goods and services industry. Each tool is described along with its actual and potential uses, advantages and limitations, and references for further information.

Handbook on Coordinating Funding For Water and Wastewater Infrastructure - A compilation of state approaches (2003) (PDF) (78 pp, 2.16MB, About PDF)
This handbook is intended to be a working tool for states on approaches to coordinating federal, state, and local funding for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure

Municipal Technology Fact Sheets
EPA maintains a list of available water technologies and has created fact sheets on each technology to help potential customers better understand the utility of each technology. Use of these technologies may result in cost savings.

U.S. Conference of Mayors Urban Water Council, National City Water Survey 2005 (PDF) (95 pp, 945K, About PDF)Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Council conducted a survey of the nation’s principal cities to examine water resources priorities and trends. Respondents provided information in four key water resources areas: issues and priorities; recent and planned major capital investments in water and wastewater infrastructure; adequacy of water supplies; and, water conservation activities.

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