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Digest of Education Statistics
2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 357. Endowment funds of the 120 colleges and universities with the largest amounts: 1999 and 2000

                                        |      |     Market value of       | One- ||                                         |        |Market value of  | One-
                                        |      |     endowment, as of      | year ||                                         |        |endowment, as of | year
                                        | Rank |    June 30 (in thou-      |change||                                         |  Rank  |June 30 (in thou-|change
              Institution               | or-  |    sands of dollars)      | \2\  ||               Institution               |order\1\|sands of dollars)| \2\
                                        |der\1\|___________________________|      ||                                         |        |_________________|
                                        |      |    1999     |    2000     |      ||                                         |        |  1999  |  2000  |
                   1                    |  2   |      3      |      4      |  5   ||                    1                    |   2    |   3    |   4    |  5
120 institutions with                   |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
  the largest amounts in 2000 ..........|  --- |$154,674,237 |$194,002,768 | 25.4 ||                                         |        |        |        |
                                        |______|_____________|_____________|______||                                         |        |        |        |
Harvard University (MA).................|    1 |  14,255,996 |  18,844,338 | 32.2 ||Kansas University Endowment Association .|     61 |766,673 |855,452 | 11.6
Yale University (CT)....................|    2 |   7,197,900 |  10,084,900 | 40.1 ||Carnegie Mellon University (PA) .........|     62 |719,320 |829,121 | 15.3
University of Texas System..............|    3 |   8,128,298 |  10,013,175 | 23.2 ||Syracuse University (NY) ................|     63 |641,466 |825,250 | 28.7
Stanford University (CA)\3\ ............|    4 |   6,005,211 |   8,649,475 | 44.0 ||Georgia Institute of Technology\4\ ......|     64 |590,175 |801,831 | 35.9
Princeton University (NJ)...............|    5 |   6,469,200 |   8,398,100 | 29.8 ||Lehigh University (PA) ..................|     65 |675,595 |791,190 | 17.1
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology ..|    6 |   4,287,701 |   6,475,506 | 51.0 ||Yeshiva University (NY) .................|     66 |674,833 |775,262 | 14.9
University of California (CA) ..........|    7 |   4,315,219 |   5,639,777 | 30.7 ||University of Missouri System ...........|     67 |686,900 |753,000 |  9.6
Emory University (GA) ..................|    8 |   4,475,755 |   5,032,683 | 12.4 ||Georgetown University (DC) ..............|     68 |684,193 |745,398 |  8.9
Columbia University (NY) ...............|    9 |   3,636,621 |   4,263,972 | 17.3 ||George Washington University (DC)\6\ ....|     69 |673,589 |737,647 |  9.5
Washington University (MO) .............|   10 |   3,761,686 |   4,234,599 | 12.6 ||Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) ...|     70 |516,238 |729,973 | 41.4
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
Texas A&M University System\4\ .........|   11 |   3,746,624 |   4,205,849 | 12.3 ||University of Tulsa (OK)\7\ .............|     71 |684,138 |725,470 |  6.0
University of Chicago (IL) .............|   12 |   2,762,686 |   3,828,664 | 38.6 ||University of Florida\4\ ................|     72 |601,813 |681,370 | 13.2
University of Michigan .................|   13 |   2,525,612 |   3,468,372 | 37.3 ||Carleton College (MN) ...................|     73 |551,019 |680,586 | 23.5
Cornell University (NY) ................|   14 |   2,869,103 |   3,436,926 | 19.8 ||Vassar College (NY) .....................|     74 |578,423 |675,113 | 16.7
Rice University (TX) ...................|   15 |   2,936,622 |   3,372,458 | 14.8 ||Middlebury College (VT) .................|     75 |604,841 |666,783 | 10.2
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
Northwestern University (IL) ...........|   16 |   2,634,850 |   3,368,233 | 27.8 ||Trinity University (TX)\7\ ..............|     76 |584,445 |656,978 | 12.4
University of Pennsylvania .............|   17 |   3,281,342 |   3,200,812 | -2.5 ||Baylor University (TX)\7\................|     77 |587,183 |645,095 |  9.9
University of Notre Dame (IN) ..........|   18 |   1,984,256 |   3,089,007 | 55.7 ||Tulane University (LA) ..................|     78 |548,305 |636,350 | 16.1
Duke University (NC) ...................|   19 |   1,678,728 |   2,663,891 | 58.7 ||University of Alabama System\5\..........|     79 |553,189 |619,891 | 12.1
Dartmouth College (NH) .................|   20 |   1,710,585 |   2,490,376 | 45.6 ||Oberlin College (OH) ....................|     80 |508,490 |610,229 | 20.0
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
Vanderbilt University (TN) .............|   21 |   1,831,766 |   2,314,935 | 26.4 ||Wesleyan University (CT) ................|     81 |530,323 |579,914 |  9.4
University of Southern California ......|   22 |   1,589,833 |   2,152,589 | 35.4 ||Macalester College (MN) .................|     82 |517,180 |564,439 |  9.1
Johns Hopkins University (MD) ..........|   23 |   1,520,793 |   1,825,212 | 20.0 ||Rochester Institute of Technology (NY) ..|     83 |437,111 |524,714 | 20.0
University of Virginia  ................|   24 |   1,398,068 |   1,738,984 | 24.4 ||Tufts University (MA) ...................|     84 |464,107 |523,520 | 12.8
Case Western Reserve University (OH) ...|   25 |   1,434,200 |   1,550,600 |  8.1 ||Northeastern University (MA).............|     85 |396,205 |518,536 | 30.9
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
University of Minnesota\4\ .............|   26 |   1,283,934 |   1,550,107 | 20.7 ||University of Maryland System\4\ ........|     86 |498,703 |498,533 | -0.0
California Institute of Technology\5\ ..|   27 |   1,333,229 |   1,535,702 | 15.2 ||Denison University (OH) .................|     87 |355,116 |498,362 | 40.3
Brown University (RI) ..................|   28 |   1,181,514 |   1,416,052 | 19.9 ||University of Oklahoma\4\ ...............|     88 |483,946 |492,127 |  1.7
Rockefeller University (NY) ............|   29 |   1,007,600 |   1,372,200 | 36.2 ||Claremont McKenna College (CA) ..........|     89 |392,833 |487,120 | 24.0
Williams College (MA) ..................|   30 |     923,243 |   1,357,589 | 47.0 ||DePauw University (IN) ..................|     90 |418,314 |482,251 | 15.3
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
Purdue University (IN) .................|   31 |   1,222,411 |   1,301,976 |  6.5 ||University of California Los Angeles\4\ .|     91 |402,537 |472,246 | 17.3
Ohio State University\4\ ...............|   32 |   1,086,350 |   1,294,923 | 19.2 ||Bryn Mawr College (PA) ..................|     92 |426,499 |466,960 |  9.5
University of Rochester (NY) ...........|   33 |   1,119,027 |   1,278,774 | 14.3 ||Bowdoin College (ME).....................|     93 |406,853 |465,274 | 14.4
Wellesley College (MA) .................|   34 |     887,489 |   1,253,385 | 41.2 ||Bucknell University (PA) ................|     94 |392,372 |465,262 | 18.6
Pomona College (CA) ....................|   35 |     759,519 |   1,109,410 | 46.1 ||University of Miami (FL)\7\ .............|     95 |428,571 |465,212 |  8.5
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
University of N.C., Chapel Hill\4\ .....|   36 |     925,746 |   1,105,254 | 19.4 ||University of Louisville (KY)\4\ ........|     96 |381,821 |454,521 | 19.0
University of Richmond (VA) ............|   37 |     803,252 |   1,068,708 | 33.0 ||Lafayette College (PA) ..................|     97 |468,003 |451,160 | -3.6
Baylor College of Medicine (TX) ........|   38 |         --- |   1,044,685 |  --- ||State University of New York/Buffalo\4\ .|     98 |438,002 |447,322 |  2.1
Boston College (MA)\6\ .................|   39 |     908,000 |   1,044,542 | 15.0 ||University of Houston System (TX) .......|     99 |413,101 |443,883 |  7.5
New York University ....................|   40 |   1,035,900 |   1,030,800 | -0.5 ||University of Tennessee System ..........|    100 |378,099 |440,309 | 16.5
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
University of Pittsburgh (PA) ..........|   41 |     854,840 |   1,018,015 | 19.1 ||Colgate University (NY) .................|    101 |383,018 |439,115 | 14.6
Texas Christian University .............|   42 |     835,547 |     988,127 | 18.3 ||Washington State University .............|    102 |421,402 |437,093 |  3.7
Pennsylvania State University ..........|   43 |     792,185 |     976,298 | 23.2 ||Rutgers University (NJ) .................|    103 |389,712 |435,064 | 11.6
Wake Forest University (NC) ............|   44 |     857,938 |     969,618 | 13.0 ||Hamilton College (NY) ...................|    104 |355,726 |432,225 | 21.5
University of Cincinnati (OH) ..........|   45 |     898,976 |     963,907 |  7.2 ||Mount Holyoke College (MA) ..............|    105 |355,473 |425,296 | 19.6
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
Swarthmore College (PA) ................|   46 |     905,680 |     963,676 |  6.4 ||University of Iowa\4\....................|    106 |476,800 |424,159 |-11.0
University of Toronto (Canada) .........|   47 |     765,636 |     961,103 | 25.5 ||Santa Clara University (CA) .............|    107 |373,580 |411,260 | 10.1
University of Washington ...............|   48 |     745,217 |     949,796 | 27.5 ||Iowa State University\4\ ................|    108 |266,348 |410,704 | 54.2
Saint Louis University (IL) ............|   49 |     907,822 |     925,955 |  2.0 ||Agnes Scott College (GA) ................|    109 |432,233 |408,141 | -5.6
University of Illinois\4\ ..............|   50 |     816,573 |     915,436 | 12.1 ||Brandeis University (MA) ................|    110 |355,012 |406,722 | 14.6
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
Boston University (MA) .................|   51 |     652,161 |     913,207 | 40.0 ||Colorado College ........................|    111 |367,090 |405,641 | 10.5
Amherst College (MA) ...................|   52 |     634,517 |     912,399 | 43.8 ||Pepperdine University (CA) ..............|    112 |337,049 |402,264 | 19.3
University of Delaware ...............  |   53 |     777,349 |     911,521 | 17.3 ||Washington and Lee University (VA) ......|    113 |    --- |399,567 |  ---
Southern Methodist University (TX)\7\ ..|   54 |     790,065 |     911,121 | 15.3 ||University of Colorado\4\ ...............|    114 |325,975 |398,267 | 22.2
Indiana University\4\ ..................|   55 |     802,395 |     907,463 | 13.1 ||Earlham College (IN) ....................|    115 |302,856 |392,316 | 29.5
                                        |      |             |             |      ||                                         |        |        |        |
Smith College (MA) .....................|   56 |     884,782 |     906,942 |  2.5 ||University of Georgia\4\ ................|    116 |334,534 |388,422 | 16.1
University of Nebraska\4\ ..............|   57 |     682,525 |     901,864 | 32.1 ||College of William and Mary (VA)\4\ .....|    117 |354,616 |382,528 |  7.9
University of Wisconsin\4\ .............|   58 |     653,551 |     880,695 | 34.8 ||Colby College (ME) ......................|    118 |290,420 |373,535 | 28.6
Grinnell College (IA) ..................|   59 |   1,020,372 |     862,487 |-15.5 ||University of Kentucky ..................|    119 |327,644 |370,125 | 13.0
Berea College (KY) .....................|   60 |     629,981 |     861,303 | 36.7 ||Virginia Tech Foundation ................|    120 |340,244 |368,197 |  8.2

---Not available
\1\Institutions ranked by size of endowment in 2000.
\2\Change in market value of endowment. Includes growth from gifts and returns on investments, as well as reductions from expenditures and withdrawals.
\3\As of August 31.
\4\Includes foundations.
\5\As of September 30.
\6\As of January 31.
\7\As of May 31.

NOTE: Data include institutions participating in the comparative-performance study by the National Association of College and University Business Officers. Endowment values for 1999 are from the Association's February 2000 study.

SOURCE: National Association of College and University Business Officers, NACUBO Endowment Study, 2000. (This table was prepared May 2001.)

2001 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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