ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT BJS SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1999 202/307-0784 MORE THAN A QUARTER MILLION PRISON AND JAIL INMATES ARE IDENTIFIED AS MENTALLY ILL WASHINGTON, D.C. An estimated 283,800 mentally ill offenders were held in the nation's state and federal prisons and local jails at midyear 1998, according to a special report released today by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). An additional 547,800 mentally ill people were on probation in the community. In its first comprehensive report on mental illness in correctional facilities, BJS identified persons with mental or emotional problems based on information from personal interviews with a representative sample of offenders who responded to a series of mental- health-related questions. The interviews were conducted only with offenders sentenced to incarceration or probation and persons held in local jail awaiting trial; people held under civil commitments were excluded. Seven percent of federal inmates and 16 percent of those in state prisons or local jails or on probation said they either had a mental condition or had stayed overnight in a mental hospital, unit or treatment program. The highest rate of mental illness was among white females in state prisons--29 percent. Almost 40 percent of the white female state prisoners age 24 or younger were identified as mentally ill. Twenty percent of the black females and 22 percent of the Hispanic females in state prison were mentally ill. Research conducted in the early 1990s found mental illness rates in the U.S. general population among people 15 through 54 years old varied by type of psychiatric condition, gender, age and other demographic characteristics. Based on structured diagnostic interviews, this research determined that an estimated 0.6 percent of males and 0.8 percent of females suffer at some point in their lives from schizophrenia or other psychoses, and 14.7 percent of males and 23.9 percent of females from an affective disorder, such as major depression and mania. Controlling for demographic differences, other studies have found rates of mental illness among incarcerated offenders to be at least double the comparable rates in the general population. Offenders identified as mentally ill were more likely than other offenders incarcerated or on probation to have committed a violent offense. An estimated 13 percent of the mentally ill State prisoners had committed murder; 12 percent, rape or sexual assault; 13 percent, robbery; and 11 percent, assault. Nearly 1 in 5 violent offenders in prison or jail or on probation were identified as mentally ill. When compared with other inmates and probationers, the mentally ill inmates and probationers reported higher rates of prior physical and sexual abuse and higher rates of alcohol and drug abuse by a parent or guardian while they were growing up. Among mentally ill state prisoners, nearly a third of men and three- quarters of the women said they had been physically or sexually abused in the past. More than 40 percent of the mentally ill inmates said their parents had abused alcohol or drugs. More than half said a parent, brother or sister had also been in prison or jail. Since admission, 61 percent of the mentally ill state and federal prison inmates and 41 percent of the local jail inmates said they had received treatment for a mental condition in the form of counseling, medication or other mental health services. Fifty-six percent of mentally ill probationers had received treatment since beginning their sentences. State prison inmates with a mental condition were more likely than other state inmates to be incarcerated for a violent offense (53 percent compared to 46 percent). They were also more likely to have been under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of their current offense (59 percent vs. 51 percent) and more than twice as likely to have been homeless in the 12 months prior to their arrest (20 percent vs. 9 percent). More than a third of the mentally ill in state prisons or local jails and a quarter in federal prisons also exhibited signs of alcohol dependence. Nearly half of the mentally ill in state prison said they were binge drinkers; 46 percent reported they had been in physical fights while drinking; and 17 percent had lost a job due to drinking. More than three-quarters of the mentally ill inmates had been sentenced to prison, jail or probation at least once prior to their current sentence. Half reported three or more prior sentences. The mentally ill inmates were more likely than other prisoners to have a prior sentence for a violent offense. About 40 percent of mentally ill inmates were unemployed before their arrest, and almost 25 percent of mentally ill state inmates and 20 percent of mentally ill jail inmates reported income from illegal sources. Fifty-six percent of the mentally ill probationers were employed, compared to 76 percent of other probationers. An estimated 52 percent of the mentally ill probationers and 27 percent of the other probationers said they had received income from government agencies during the past year. On average, mentally ill inmates were expected to serve 103 months in state prisons before their release, 15 months longer than other inmates. The mentally ill in local jails were expected to serve 9 months prior to release, 2 months fewer than other jail inmates. While incarcerated, the mentally ill are more likely than other inmates to be involved in fights and to be charged with breaking prison and jail rules. Since admission to prison or jail, more than 6 in 10 mentally ill state inmates and 1 in 4 jail inmates had been charged with rule violations. About 36 percent of mentally ill state prisoners and 19 percent of jail inmates said they had been in a fight since admission. The special report, "Mental Health and Treatment of Inmates and Probationers" (NCJ-174463), was written by BJS statistician Paula M. Ditton. Single copies may be obtained from the BJS fax-on-demand system by dialing 301/519-5550, listening to the complete menu and selecting document number 162. Or call the BJS Clearinghouse number: 1-800-732-3277. Fax orders for mail delivery to 410/792-4358. The BJS Internet site is: Additional criminal justice materials can be obtained from the Office of Justice Programs homepage at: # # # BJS99142 After hours contact: Stu Smith at 301/983-9354 END OF FILE 7/9/99 pm