Title 40--Protection of Environment



TEXT PDF141.1 Applicability.
TEXT PDF141.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF141.3 Coverage.
TEXT PDF141.4 Variances and exemptions.
TEXT PDF141.5 Siting requirements.
TEXT PDF141.6 Effective dates.
TEXT PDF141.11 Maximum contaminant levels for inorganic chemicals.
TEXT PDF141.12 Maximum contaminant levels for total trihalomethanes.
TEXT PDF141.13 Maximum contaminant levels for turbidity.
TEXT PDF141.15 Maximum contaminant levels for radium-226, radium-228, and gross alpha particle radioactivity in community water systems.
TEXT PDF141.16 Maximum contaminant levels for beta particle and photon radioactivity from man-made radionuclides in community water systems.
TEXT PDF141.21 Coliform sampling.
TEXT PDF141.22 Turbidity sampling and analytical requirements.
TEXT PDF141.23 Inorganic chemical sampling and analytical requirements.
TEXT PDF141.23 Inorganic chemical sampling and analytical requirements.
TEXT PDF141.24 Organic chemicals, sampling and analytical requirements.
TEXT PDF141.24 Organic chemicals other than total trihalomethanes, sampling and analytical methods.
TEXT PDF141.25 Analytical methods for radioactivity.
TEXT PDF141.25 Analytical methods for radioactivity.
TEXT PDF141.26 Monitoring frequency for radioactivity in community water systems.
TEXT PDF141.26 Monitoring frequency and compliance requirements for radionuclides in community water systems
TEXT PDF141.27 Alternate analytical techniques.
TEXT PDF141.28 Certified laboratories.
TEXT PDF141.29 Monitoring of consecutive public water systems.
TEXT PDF141.30 Total trihalomethanes sampling, analytical and other requirements.
TEXT PDF141.31 Reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF141.32 Public notification.
TEXT PDF141.33 Record maintenance.
TEXT PDF141.35 Reporting of unregulated contaminant monitoring results.
TEXT PDF141.40 Monitoring requirements for unregulated contaminants.
TEXT PDF141.41 Special monitoring for sodium.
TEXT PDF141.42 Special monitoring for corrosivity characteristics.
TEXT PDF141.43 Prohibition on use of lead pipes, solder, and flux.
TEXT PDF141.50 Maximum contaminant level goals for organic contaminants.
TEXT PDF141.51 Maximum contaminant level goals for inorganic contaminants.
TEXT PDF141.52 Maximum contaminant level goals for microbiological contaminants.
TEXT PDF141.53 Maximum contaminant level goals for disinfection byproducts.
TEXT PDF141.54 Maximum residual disinfectant level goals for disinfectants.
TEXT PDF141.55 Maximum contaminant level goals for radionuclides.
TEXT PDF141.60 Effective dates.
TEXT PDF141.61 Maximum contaminant levels for organic contaminants.
TEXT PDF141.62 Maximum contaminant levels for inorganic contaminants.
TEXT PDF141.63 Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for microbiological contaminants.
TEXT PDF141.64 Maximum contaminant levels for disinfection byproducts.
TEXT PDF141.65 Maximum residual disinfectant levels.
TEXT PDF141.66 Maximum contaminant levels for radionuclides.
TEXT PDF141.70 General requirements.
TEXT PDF141.71 Criteria for avoiding filtration.
TEXT PDF141.72 Disinfection.
TEXT PDF141.73 Filtration.
TEXT PDF141.74 Analytical and monitoring requirements.
TEXT PDF141.75 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF141.76 Recycle provisions.
TEXT PDF141.80 General requirements.
TEXT PDF141.81 Applicability of corrosion control treatment steps to small, medium-size and large water systems.
TEXT PDF141.82 Description of corrosion control treatment requirements.
TEXT PDF141.83 Source water treatment requirements.
TEXT PDF141.84 Lead service line replacement requirements.
TEXT PDF141.85 Public education and supplemental monitoring requirements.
TEXT PDF141.86 Monitoring requirements for lead and copper in tap water.
TEXT PDF141.87 Monitoring requirements for water quality parameters.
TEXT PDF141.88 Monitoring requirements for lead and copper in source water.
TEXT PDF141.89 Analytical methods.
TEXT PDF141.90 Reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF141.91 Recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF141.100 Criteria and procedures for public water systems using point-of-entry devices.
TEXT PDF141.101 Use of bottled water.
TEXT PDF141.110 General requirements.
TEXT PDF141.111 Treatment techniques for acrylamide and epichlorohydrin.
TEXT PDF141.130 General requirements.
TEXT PDF141.131 Analytical requirements.
TEXT PDF141.132 Monitoring requirements.
TEXT PDF141.133 Compliance requirements.
TEXT PDF141.134 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF141.135 Treatment technique for control of disinfection byproduct (DBP) precursors.
TEXT PDF141.151 Purpose and applicability of this subpart.
TEXT PDF141.152 Effective dates.
TEXT PDF141.153 Content of the reports.
TEXT PDF141.154 Required additional health information.
TEXT PDF141.155 Report delivery and recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF141.170 General requirements.
TEXT PDF141.171 Criteria for avoiding filtration.
TEXT PDF141.172 Disinfection profiling and benchmarking.
TEXT PDF141.173 Filtration.
TEXT PDF141.174 Filtration sampling requirements.
TEXT PDF141.175 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF141.201 General public notification requirements.
TEXT PDF141.202 Tier 1 Public Notice--Form, manner, and frequency of notice.
TEXT PDF141.203 Tier 2 Public Notice--Form, manner, and frequency of notice.
TEXT PDF141.204 Tier 3 Public Notice--Form, manner, and frequency of notice.
TEXT PDF141.205 Content of the public notice.
TEXT PDF141.206 Notice to new billing units or new customers.
TEXT PDF141.207 Special notice of the availability of unregulated contaminant monitoring results.
TEXT PDF141.208 Special notice for exceedance of the SMCL for fluoride.
TEXT PDF141.209 Special notice for nitrate exceedances above MCL by non-community water systems (NCWS), where granted permission by the primacy agency under 141.11(d)
TEXT PDF141.210 Notice by primacy agency on behalf of the public water system.
TEXT PDF141.500 General requirements.
TEXT PDF141.501 Who is subject to the requirements of subpart T?
TEXT PDF141.502 When must my system comply with these requirements?
TEXT PDF141.503 What does subpart T require?
TEXT PDF141.510 Is my system subject to the new finished water reservoir requirements?
TEXT PDF141.511 What is required of new finished water reservoirs?
TEXT PDF141.520 Is my system subject to the updated watershed control requirements?
TEXT PDF141.521 What updated watershed control requirements must my unfiltered system implement to continue to avoid filtration?
TEXT PDF141.522 How does the State determine whether my system's watershed control requirements are adequate?
TEXT PDF141.530 What is a disinfection profile and who must develop one?
TEXT PDF141.531 What criteria must a State use to determine that a profile is unnecessary?
TEXT PDF141.532 How does my system develop a disinfection profile and when must it begin?
TEXT PDF141.533 What data must my system collect to calculate a disinfection profile?
TEXT PDF141.534 How does my system use this data to calculate an inactivation ratio?
TEXT PDF141.535 What if my system uses chloramines, ozone, or chlorine dioxide for primary disinfection?
TEXT PDF141.536 My system has developed an inactivation ratio; what must we do now?
TEXT PDF141.540 Who has to develop a disinfection benchmark?
TEXT PDF141.541 What are significant changes to disinfection practice?
TEXT PDF141.542 What must my system do if we are considering a significant change to disinfection practices?
TEXT PDF141.543 How is the disinfection benchmark calculated?
TEXT PDF141.544 What if my system uses chloramines, ozone, or chlorine dioxide for primary disinfection?
TEXT PDF141.550 Is my system required to meet subpart T combined filter effluent turbidity limits?
TEXT PDF141.551 What strengthened combined filter effluent turbidity limits must my system meet?
TEXT PDF141.552 My system consists of ``alternative filtration'' and is required to conduct a demonstration--what is required of my system and how does the State establish my turbidity limits?
TEXT PDF141.553 My system practices lime softening--is there any special provision regarding my combined filter effluent?
TEXT PDF141.560 Is my system subject to individual filter turbidity requirements?
TEXT PDF141.561 What happens if my system's turbidity monitoring equipment fails?
TEXT PDF141.562 My system only has two or fewer filters--is there any special provision regarding individual filter turbidity monitoring?
TEXT PDF141.563 What follow-up action is my system required to take based on continuous turbidity monitoring?
TEXT PDF141.564 My system practices lime softening--is there any special provision regarding my individual filter turbidity monitoring?
TEXT PDF141.570 What does subpart T require that my system report to the State?
TEXT PDF141.571 What records does subpart T require my system to keep?
