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Geoffrey S. York

Title: Biologist
Address: 4210 University Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508-4626
Phone: (907) 786-7005
Fax: (907) 786-7150
Curriculum Vitae

Image of Geoffrey S. York

Education and/or Training

M.S.2001University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AKBiology
B.A.1990University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, INEnglish

Areas of Specialization and/or Research Interests

Long term tissue archival and specimen banking, contaminants biology, marine mammal ecology, water quality, freshwater ecology, macroinvertebrate colonization and community structure.

Professional Experience

1995 - PresentBiologist, USGS, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska
1994 - 1996Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska
1991Biologist Technician, Arctic Environmental Assessment Center, National Ocean Service, Anchorage, Alaska

Professional Activities and/or Memberships

Arctic Research Consortium of the United States
North American Benthological Society
American Water Resources Association
American Fisheries Society

Honors and/or Awards

USGS Leadership Intensive Certificate: 2003
Star Award: 1999, 2001-2005
On-the-Spot Award: 1996 and 1997

Significant Recent Publications

Amstrup, S. C., G. York, T. L. McDonald, R. Nielson, and K. Simac. Detecting denning polar bears with forward looking infra-red (FLIR) imagery. BioScience 54(4):337-344.

Steven C. Amstrup, George M. Durner, Eric Regehr, Geoff York, Kristin S. Simac, Thomas S. Smith, Steven T. Partridge, and David Douglas. 2004. Polar bear research in the Beaufort Sea. Report to the Polar Bear Technical Committee, February 2004. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

York, G. Amstrup, S. C., and K. Simac. 2004. Using Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) imagery to detect polar bear maternal dens. Operations Manual. Prepared for U. S. Department of Interior, Minerals Management Service, Alaska OCS Region, 949 East 36th St. Anchorage, AK 99508. OCS Study MMS 2004-062.

Kucklick, J.R., P. Krahn, M.M. Schantz, P.R.Becker, B.J. Porter, G.W. York, and T. O’Hara. Comparison of Organochlorine Contaminant Concentrations and Patterns in Ringed Seals (Phoca hispida) from Nome and Barrow, Alaska. Submitted to Sci. Total Environ.

Kucklick, J.R., S.S. Vander Pol, P.R. Becker, R.S. Pugh, K. Simac, G.W. York, and D.G. Roseneau. 2002. Persistent organic pollutants in murre eggs from the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. 22nd International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Barcelona, Spain, 11-16 August 2002. Organohalogen Compounds 59:13-16.

Vander Pol, S.S., P.R. Becker, J.R. Kucklick, R.S. Pugh, D.G. Roseneau, K. Simac, and G.W. York. 2002. Trends in concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in eggs from Alaskan murre colonies. 2nd AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic, Rovaniemi, Finland, 1-4 October 2002. Extended abstract 0-025 in Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) Rept. 2002.2, Oslo, Norway.

Vander Pol, S.S., S.J. Christopher, R. Day, R.S. Pugh, P.R. Becker, D.G. Roseneau, K. Simac, and G.W. York. 2002. Trends in concentrations of mercury in eggs from Alaskan murre colonies. 2nd AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic, Rovaniemi, Finland, 1-4 October 2002. Extended abstract P-M40 in Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) Rept. 2002.2, Oslo, Norway.

Vander Pol, S.S., S.J. Christopher, D.G. Roseneau, P.R. Becker, R.D. Day, J.R. Kucklick, R.S. Pugh, K.S. Simak, and G.W. York. 2003. Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Project: Egg Collections and Analytical Results for 1999 – 2002. NISTIR 7029, U.S. Dept. Commerce, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD. 79 pp.

York, G.W., B.J. Porter, R.S. Pugh, D.G. Roseneau, K. Simac, P.R. Becker, L. K. Thorsteinson, and S.A. Wise. 2001. Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Project: Protocol for Collecting and Banking Seabird Eggs. NISTIR 6735. National Institute of Standards and Technology, MD 25 p.

Kucklick, J.R., W.J. Struntz, P. Becker, G. York, and J. Bohonowych. 2001. Persistent Organochlorine Pollutants in Ringed Seals and Polar Bears Collected from Northern Alaska. Science of the Total Environment. 287:45-59.

Milner, A.M., and G. York. 2001. Colonization and community development of salmonids and benthic macroinvertebrates in a new stream within Kenai Fjords National park, Alaska. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. 151(4):627-647.

York, G., and A.M. Milner. 1999. Colonization and community development of salmonids and benthic macroinvertebrates in a new stream within Kenai Fjords National park, Alaska. University of Alaska Anchorage, Final Report to the National Park Service. Cooperative Agreement No. CA 9700-2-9021.

Parnow, C., R. Goldfarb, K. Kelly, A. Meier, and G.York. 1998. Trace element dispersion from tin deposits of the western Seward Peninsula, Alaska, in Kelley, K.D., ed., Geologic Studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1997. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1614. pp 123-37.

Websites of Interest

Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project
Polar Bears International
The International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA)
USFWS Office of Marine Mammals Management
Canadian Polar Bear Research and Management
Norwegian Polar Institute
Polar Bear Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission

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